Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too.


What is egotistical? Is it the same to be arrogant?

To some extent, to be egotistical is the same as to be arrogant, and we know, such characters often annoy others.

But there are some people who are egotistical and arrogant still living a confortable life with great respects from others.

Their ablities are indispensable, those who are annoyed by their words or their arrogant behaviours may have to hide their anger or disappointments and accept what is given by those who are egotistical.

So, if you want to be egotistical, if you want to disregard other's opinion, if you want to live your life with your own will, you must become strong enough.

Nevertheless, I think it is not good to be egotistical even if we are strong enough, it is a good character to take consideration of others, which will make the world better and more harmony.

You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience.


From Stanislaw J.Lec.

This is fast-moving world, and this is a ever-changing world, some old rules or creeds may be outdated or not so suitable as they were in the past days.

Just like being patient, or the old sayings that you must learn to warm your cold bench gradually before you can grow up into a big figure, these things, and many of what we had been taught in our teenages, are becoming less and less suitable or important in the current world.

This is a world with result-oriented, no matter how splendid the process is, once the result turn out to be not good, all the efforts in the process are nonsense.

Uh, I mean to say, we shouldn't be hesitate to take actions, we shouldn't be entangled in the details when planning to do something, we must speed up our pace, we must increase our efficency, we must present a good result as soon as we can, no one would be patient when they want to get the result.

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