What Is a Computer System?

A combination of Five or Six Elements

The term computer is used to describe a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical(part electronic and part mechanical )components. By itself, a computer has no intelligence and is referred to as hardware. A computer doesn't come to life until it is connected to other parts of a computer system. A computer system is a combination of five elements ( listed here in the order of how expensive it would be replace them in a system, from least to most expensive ):

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Data/Information
  • Procedure
  • People

combination n. 结合;组合;联合

electromechanical adj. 电机的;电机学的



  • 硬件
  • 软件
  • 数据/信息
  • 程序

When one computer system is set up to communicate with another computer system, connectivity becomes a sixth system element. In other words, the manner in which the various individual systems are connected--for example, by phone lines, microware transmission or satellite--is an element of the total computer system.

connectivity n.连通性;结合性;接合性;连通图

microware n.微波

satellite n.卫星;人造卫星;卫星城;卫星国 v.通过通讯卫星播送[传播


Software is the term used to describe the instructions that tell the hardware how to perform a task; without software instructions, the hardware doesn't know what to do. People operate the computer hardware; they create the computer software instructions and respond to the procedures that those instructions present. You will learn more about software and procedures later. Right now we want to discuss the importance of data and information.


Conversion of Data into Information

The purpose of a computer system is to convert data into information. Data is raw, unevaluated facts and figures, concepts, or instructions. This raw material is processed into useful information. In other words, information is the product of data processing. This processing includes refining, summarizing, categorizing, and otherwise manipulating the data into a useful form for decision making. For example, the facts and figures contained in a stack of customer orders waiting to be entered into a computer-based order entry system are data; after the data is entered and processed, an output report about how that data affected product inventory would be information.

unevaluated v.无法预估;无法评价

refine v.精炼;提纯;澄清;改善

summarize v.总结;概述;概括;归纳

inventory n.库存;财产清单;(建筑物里的物品、家具等的)清单 v.开列清单


People "capture" data in a variety of ways--for example, by reading, listening, or seeing. Then they may record the data on a document. For instance, Roger Shu records his remaining letters in his name, is an element of data, as are the numbers 12/22 and 5, used to indicate the data and the number of overtime hours worked. By themselves, these data elements are useless; we must process them to make them something. The report produced when Roger's data is run through a computer-based employee records system gives us information--for example, the amount of money due Roger for his overtime work.

record n.记录;唱片;记载;经历 v.记录;录制;记载;录(音)

人们用多种方式采集信息--举个例子,通过读,听,或是看。之后他们也许会用文件记录数据。事实上,Roger Shu用他的名字的形式记录他的剩余的字母就像数字12/22和5,他的名字也是一种信息,常意指数据和加班的数字。就数据本身而言是无用的;我们必须处理它们来使它们成为一些东西。Roger的数据通过基于计算机的员工记录系统运行时生成的报告为我们提供了信息,例如Roger为他的加班工作支付的金额。

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