January 26 2017 Week 4 Thursday
Wasting time is robbing yourself.
Wasting time is not only robbing yourself, moreover, it is killing yourself, in a way you wouldn't have noticed that, but if you suddenly find your time is not enough, maybe it is too late for you to do something.
I find that when I was working, I always can't concentrate on the work and thinking about some useless things, but when I was on holiday, I might think about some things on my work.
That just makes the both things can't be done in my full power.
A bad way. So, just enjoy myself when I am on holiday, just concentrate all my energy on the task when I am working.
We are what we believe we are.
I believe I can be ...
Unlimited possibilities.
I want to ask a question: Do I know the real self?
Maybe I don't know.
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