

class TimePeriod
private double seconds; public double Hours
get { return seconds / ; }
set { seconds = value * ; }
} class Program
static void Main()
TimePeriod t = new TimePeriod(); // Assigning the Hours property causes the 'set' accessor to be called.
t.Hours = ; // Evaluating the Hours property causes the 'get' accessor to be called.
System.Console.WriteLine("Time in hours: " + t.Hours);
// Output: Time in hours: 24


using System;
using System.Reflection; namespace CustomAttrCS
// An enumeration of animals. Start at 1 (0 = uninitialized).
public enum Animal
// Pets.
Dog = ,
} // A custom attribute to allow a target to have a pet.
public class AnimalTypeAttribute : Attribute
// The constructor is called when the attribute is set.
public AnimalTypeAttribute(Animal pet)
thePet = pet;
} // Keep a variable internally ...
protected Animal thePet; // .. and show a copy to the outside world.
public Animal Pet
get { return thePet; }
set { thePet = Pet; }
} // A test class where each method has its own pet.
class AnimalTypeTestClass
public void DogMethod() { } [AnimalType(Animal.Cat)]
public void CatMethod() { } [AnimalType(Animal.Bird)]
public void BirdMethod() { }
} class DemoClass
static void Main(string[] args)
AnimalTypeTestClass testClass = new AnimalTypeTestClass();
Type type = testClass.GetType();
// Iterate through all the methods of the class.
foreach (MethodInfo mInfo in type.GetMethods())
// Iterate through all the Attributes for each method.
foreach (Attribute attr in
// Check for the AnimalType attribute.
if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AnimalTypeAttribute))
"Method {0} has a pet {1} attribute.",
mInfo.Name, ((AnimalTypeAttribute)attr).Pet);
} /*
* Output:
* Method DogMethod has a pet Dog attribute.
* Method CatMethod has a pet Cat attribute.
* Method BirdMethod has a pet Bird attribute.

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