


  1using System;

  2using System.IO;

  3using System.Text;

  4using System.Windows.Forms;

  5using System.Collections;


  7namespace CodeFormatter {

  8  /**//// <summary>

  9  /// CodeFormatterFactory 的摘要说明。

 10  /// c 代码解析,不支持中文

 11  /// </summary>

 12  public class CodeFormatterFactory {

 13    /**//*源代码*/

 14    private string sourceCode = "";


 16    /**//*C语言所有关键字,共32个*/

 17    ArrayList KeyWordList = new ArrayList();


 19    /**//*运算、限界符*/

 20    ArrayList LimitList = new ArrayList();


 22    /**//*常量表*/

 23    ArrayList ConstList = new ArrayList();


 25    /**//*标识符*/

 26    ArrayList IdentifierList = new ArrayList();


 28    /**//*输出*/

 29    ArrayList OutputList = new ArrayList();


 31    public CodeFormatterFactory() {

 32      //

 33      // TODO: 在此处添加构造函数逻辑

 34      //

 35      init();

 36    }


 38    public string SourceCode{

 39      get{return this.sourceCode;}

 40      set{this.sourceCode =value;}

 41    }


 43    public string ParseMessages{

 44      get{

 45        string pm = "";


 47        IEnumerator ie = this.OutputList.GetEnumerator();

 48        while ( ie.MoveNext() )

 49          pm += ie.Current.ToString() + "\r\n";

 50        return pm;

 51      }

 52    }


 54    private void init() {

 55      /**//*C语言所有关键字,共32个*/

 56      string[] key=new string[]{" ","auto","break","case","char","const","continue","default","do","double",

 57                                 "else","enum","extern","float","for","goto","if","int","long","register",

 58                                 "return","short","signed","sizeof","static","struct","switch","typedef",

 59                                 "union","unsigned","void","volatile","while"};

 60      /**//*运算、限界符*/

 61      string[] limit=new string[]{" ","(",")","[","]","->",".","!","++","--","&","~",

 62                                   "*","/","%","+","-","<<",">>","<","<=",">",">=","==","!=","&&","||",

 63                                   "=","+=","-=","*=","/=",",",";","{","}","#","_","'"};


 65      this.KeyWordList.Clear();

 66      this.KeyWordList.TrimToSize();


 68        this.KeyWordList.Add(key[i]);


 70      this.LimitList.Clear();

 71      this.LimitList.TrimToSize();


 73        this.LimitList.Add(limit[i]);


 75      this.ConstList.Clear();

 76      this.ConstList.TrimToSize();


 78      this.IdentifierList.Clear();

 79      this.IdentifierList.TrimToSize();


 81      this.OutputList.Clear();

 82      this.OutputList.TrimToSize();

 83    }


 85    /**//*******************************************

 86    * 十进制转二进制函数

 87    *******************************************/

 88    private string dtb(string buf){


 90      string binary = "";



 93      /**//*先将字符转化为十进制数*/

 94      try{

 95        val = Convert.ToInt32(buf);

 96      }catch{


 98      }










      binary = "";






    * 根据不同命令查表或造表函数


    private int find(string buf,int type,int command){     


      string temp;

      IEnumerator ie = null;

      ArrayList al = null;



          ie = this.KeyWordList.GetEnumerator();



          ie = this.IdentifierList.GetEnumerator();



          ie = this.ConstList.GetEnumerator();



          ie = this.LimitList.GetEnumerator();




      while (ie.MoveNext()){

        temp = ie.Current.ToString();


          return number;


        number ++;








: al = this.KeyWordList;break;

: al = this.IdentifierList;break;

: al = this.ConstList;break;

: al = this.LimitList;break;







    * 数字串处理函数


    private void cs_manage(string buffer){

      string binary = dtb(buffer);





    * 字符串处理函数 


    private void ch_manage(string buffer) {










    * 出错处理函数


    private void er_manage(char error,int lineno) {

      this.OutputList.Add(String.Format("错误关键字: {0} ,所在行: {1}",error,lineno));



    * 转换Char数组为string


    private string joinString(char[] array,int Length){

      string s = "";



          if(array[i]!='\0') {






      return s;


    private char getchc(ref int n){

      char[] c = sourceCode.ToCharArray();


        char r = c[n];      


        return r;





    * 扫描程序


    public void Parse() {

      //StreamWriter fpout = null;

      char ch ;




      string word= "";





        ch = getchc(ref n);


        if(((ch>='A')&&(ch<='Z'))||((ch>='a')&&(ch<='z'))||(ch=='_')) {                    

'))) {


            ch = getchc(ref n);


          array[i++] = '\0';

          word = joinString(array,array.Length);



') {


') {


            ch = getchc(ref n);


          array[i++] = '\0';





        else if((ch==' ')||(ch=='\t'))



        else if(ch=='\n')



        else if(ch=='/') {


          ch = getchc(ref n);

          if(ch=='=') {




          else if(ch!='*') {




          } else if(ch=='*') {



            ch = getchc(ref n);





                ch = getchc(ref n);


              ch = getchc(ref n);




                ch = getchc(ref n);




        else if(ch=='"') {




            ch = getchc(ref n);



        else {




          ch = getchc(ref n);


          if(n<sourceCode.Length) {


] = '\0';


); /**//*先检索是否为双字符运算、限界符*/



] = '\0';










              else {






            else {





          else {


] = '\0';







            else {






        ch = getchc(ref n);



      this.OutputList.Add(String.Format("\n共有 {0} 个错误.\n",errorno));






2005年4月22日 S.F.



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