CMD Markdown basic & Math Cheatsheet

I am using CMD Markdown both at work and for study.You can use it to take notes, store the output of your model, write down fantastics ideas anyttime.

It has a few advantages over word, notepad, Rmarkdown, etc:

  • It is auto-saved, you don't need to worry about losing file when your computer stuck.
  • All the file is stored online. You can access your account any where.
  • It interactives well with other formats. For example you can copy the output of Kable() in R directly to Markdown, becasue they share the same grammar.

So here I will go over some basic Markdown Grammar. It won't be thorough, but it will cover some frequectly used grammar.

Any feedback is welcomed.





Add subtitle with more #

2. Text

  • this is italic and this is bold .
  • this is important text. and percentage signs : % and %

3. Indention & Quote Notes

Here goes your Quote

with more indentations

4. Bullet Point

  • bullets can be -, +, or *

    • 2nd Level subset: Use Tab to give you second level subset

      • 3rd Level subset

5. Code

You can speficy the lanuage you use, which will lead to differet highlight.

print("Hello World")

6. Table and Alignment

This can be very handy when you call the Markdown library like Knitr in R or markdown in python, you can simply use kable(dataframe) which will output following format. And you can then paste it in your markdown.

List Tag
1 计划
2 DeepLearning
3 Leetcode

7. Links

here is a link to my blog:小七的各种胡思乱想

8. Math Formula

  • $Formula$ gives you a formula in the line \(P(y=1|x)\)
  • $$Formula$$ starts a new line for formula $$P(y=1|x)$$

9.Page Split

Following is how you split the page by ---


1. Greek Lettter

Grammar Greek
\alpha \(\alpha\)
\beta \(\beta\)
\gamma \(\gamma\)
\Gamma $ \Gamma$
\pi \(\pi\)
\Pi \(\Pi\)
\phi \(\phi\)
\Phi \(\Phi\)
\varphi $\varphi $
\mu \(\mu\)
\Delta $\Delta $
\theta $ \theta$

2. Basic Operators

Grammar Operators
\lim \(\lim\)
\exp \(\exp\)
\to \(\to\)
\infty \(\infty\)
\equiv \(\equiv\)
\bmod \(\bmod\)
\pm $\pm $
\mp $ \mp$
\leq $ \leq$
\geq $\geq $
\times \(\times\)
\div \(\div\)
\sqrt{k} $ \sqrt{k}$
\sum $ \sum $
\prod $\prod $
\int $\int $
\iint $\iint $
\cos \(\cos\)
\sin \(\sin\)

3.Theory Deduction Operator

Grammar Operators
\forall $ \forall$
\in $\in $
\exists $ \exists$
\epsilon $ \epsilon $
\propto $\propto $
\neq $ \neq$
\sim $\sim $

4 Upper and Lower Indices

Grammar Indices
k_{n+1} $k_{n+1} $
k^2 $ k^2 $
k_n^2 $k_n^2 $

And by combining this indices with the above operator, you will have all that you need.

Grammar Combination
\sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i $\sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i $
\int\limits_a^b $\int\limits_a^b $
\sqrt[n]{k} $\sqrt[n]{k} $

5 Fraction

Grammar Fraction
\frac{1}{x} \(\frac{1}{x}\)
\frac{\frac{x}{1}}{x - y} $ \frac{\frac{1}{x}}{x - y}$
^3/_7 $^3/_7 $

6. Bracket

\((a)\) \([a]\) \(|a|\) are the original one

Grammar Bracket
\langle f \rangle $\langle f \rangle $
\lfloor f \rfloor $\lfloor f \rfloor $
\lceil f \rceil $\lceil f \rceil $
| e | $ | e |$

7. Set Operator

Grammar Operator
\bigcup $\bigcup $
\bigcap $ \bigcap$
\bigvee $\bigvee $
\bigwedge $\bigwedge $
\subset $ \subset$

8 Arrow

Grammar Arrow
\implies $\implies $
\Rightarrow $\Rightarrow $
\rightarrow $\rightarrow $
\Uparrow $ \Uparrow$
\Downarrow $\Downarrow $
\Leftnarrow $\Leftarrow $
\Leftrightarrow $\Leftrightarrow $


  1. Writing Mathematic Fomulars in Markdown - Very thorough math Cheatsheet
  2. LaTeX/Mathematics - Wiki
  3. Sublime Text 2/3 Markdown Preview - Very thorough cheatsheet for everything.

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