word record 3

  1. tabloid : a half size page of a newspaper, or a newspaper or magazine with short, exciting and often gossipy stories n. 小型报, 小型画报
  2. dismantle : to take apart or take to pieces vt. 拆除,剥除,分解,取消
  3. tier
  4. boulder n. 大圆石,巨砾
  5. smear : a dirty marking;to cover or mark with something dirty or messy v. 涂,擦上,抹擦使变模糊
  6. slick : something smooth, slippery or oily 光滑的;娴熟的
  7. trumpet : a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone vt. 宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘
  8. vomit : to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth vt./vi. 吐出,呕吐
  9. influx : an inflow or the arrival of large amounts of people or things n. 流入, 河口
  10. spurious : Something spurious is not true. adj. 假的, 伪造的
  11. filthy : something or someone very dirty or obscene or corrupt adj. 污秽的, 丑恶的
  12. atrocity : something that is very cruel or brutal(something that is very cruel or brutal) n. 暴行
  13. flex : to bend or tense a muscle or body part, v. 弯曲, 伸缩, 褶曲

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