The key of this problem is that we need not build the tree from scratch. In fact, we can direct obtain its post-order traversal results in a recursive manner and the problem has given nice hints on this.

The code is as follows.

 #include <iostream>
#include <string> using namespace std; string post_order(string pre_order, string in_order) {
if (pre_order.empty() && in_order.empty())
return "";
if (pre_order.length() == && in_order.length() == )
return pre_order;
string root = pre_order.substr(, );
int rootInOrder = ;
while (in_order[rootInOrder] != pre_order[])
string pl = pre_order.substr(, rootInOrder);
string pr = pre_order.substr( + pl.length(), pre_order.length() - pl.length() - );
string il = in_order.substr(, rootInOrder);
string ir = in_order.substr(rootInOrder + , in_order.length() - il.length() - );
return post_order(pl, il) + post_order(pr, ir) + root;
} int main(void) {
string pre_order, in_order;
while (cin >> pre_order >> in_order)
cout << post_order(pre_order, in_order);
return ;

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