
/// <summary>
/// 关卡数据
/// </summary>
public class LevelData
    public string levelName;
    public List<DataType> objectsToData = new List< DataType>();
    public void AddObj(string prefabName, GameObject obj)
        DataType data = new DataType(prefabName, obj.transform.position, obj.transform.eulerAngles, obj.transform.localScale);
/// <summary>
/// 物体数据,pos,rot,scale
/// </summary>
public class DataType
    public string prefabName;
    public float posX;
    public float posY;
    public float posZ;
    public float rotX;
    public float rotY;
    public float rotZ;
    public float scaleX;
    public float scaleY;
    public float scaleZ;
    public DataType()
    public DataType( string name, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation, Vector3 scale)
        prefabName = name;
        posX = position.x;
        posY = position.y;
        posZ = position.z;
        rotX = rotation.x;
        rotY = rotation.y;
        rotZ = rotation.z;
        scaleX = scale.x;
        scaleY = scale.y;
        scaleZ = scale.z;
    public Vector3 GetPos()
        return new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ);
    public Vector3 GetRotation()
        return new Vector3(rotX, rotY, rotZ);
    public Vector3 GetScale()
        return new Vector3(scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ);
public class SerializeScene : ScriptableWizard
    string assetPath;
    [MenuItem("Tools/Serialize Scene")]
    static void SerializeOpenScene()
        SerializeScene ss = (SerializeScene)ScriptableWizard .DisplayWizard("Serialize Scene", typeof(SerializeScene ));
    void OnWizardCreate()
        // Get the path we'll use to write our assets:
        assetPath = Application.dataPath + "/Resources/" + "SceneInfo/" ;
        // Create the folder that will hold our assets:
        if (! Directory.Exists(assetPath))
        // Make sure the new assets are (re-)imported:
    private void FindAssets()
        List< GameObject> objList = new List <GameObject >();
        LevelData newLevel = new LevelData();
        newLevel.levelName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;
        GameObject parent = GameObject .Find( "ObjectRoot" );
        if (parent == null)
            Debug.LogError( "No ObjectRoot Node!");
        foreach ( Transform trans in parent.transform)
            AddObjects(trans.name, trans.gameObject, ref newLevel);
        string json = JsonFx.Json. JsonWriter.Serialize(newLevel);
        FileInfo file = new FileInfo(assetPath + newLevel.levelName + ".txt");
        catch (System.IO. IOException e)
        FileStream fs = new FileStream (assetPath + newLevel.levelName + ".txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess .Write);
        StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (fs);
    private void AddObjects( string prefabName, GameObject obj, ref LevelData level)
        if ( PrefabType.PrefabInstance == PrefabUtility .GetPrefabType(obj))
            level.AddObj(prefabName, obj);
            Debug.Log( "Not a Prefab!");
序列化场景物体之前需要将ObjectRoot节点下的物体存为prefab,再到菜单中选择Tools-->Serialize Scene,在弹出的界面中点击create按钮即可生成当前场景的Json文件。
插件链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jIgzRyY 密码: djqt
JsonFX GitHub:https://github.com/jsonfx/jsonfx


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