You have two numbers represented by a linked list, where each node contains a single digit. The digits are stored in forward order, such that the 1's digit is at the head of the list. Write a function that adds the two numbers and returns the sum as a linked list.


Given 6->1->7 + 2->9->5. That is, 617 + 295.

Return 9->1->2. That is, 912.


 class Solution {
* @param l1: the first list
* @param l2: the second list
* @return: the sum list of l1 and l2
ListNode *addLists2(ListNode *l1, ListNode *l2) {
ListNode *dummy = new ListNode();
ListNode *tail = dummy;
int carry = ; while (l1 != NULL || l2 != NULL) {
int sum = carry;
if (l1 != NULL) {
sum += l1->val;
l1 = l1->next;
if (l2 != NULL) {
sum += l2->val;
l2 = l2->next;
if (sum > ) {
carry = ;
sum -= ;
} else {
carry = ;
tail->next = new ListNode(sum);
tail = tail->next;
} if (carry == ) {
tail->next = new ListNode();
tail = tail->next;
} reverse(dummy->next); return dummy->next;
} void reverse(ListNode *&head) {
ListNode *prev = NULL; while (head != NULL) {
ListNode *temp = head->next;
head->next = prev;
prev = head;
head = temp;
} head = prev;



 public class Solution {
* @param l1: the first list
* @param l2: the second list
* @return: the sum list of l1 and l2
public ListNode addLists2(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {
Stack<Integer> temp1 = reverseNode(l1);
Stack<Integer> temp2 = reverseNode(l2); ListNode point = new ListNode(0);
int flag = 0; while((!temp1.isEmpty()) && (!temp2.isEmpty())){
int value = temp1.pop() + temp2.pop() + flag;
flag = value / 10;
value = value % 10;
ListNode cur = new ListNode(value); =; = cur;
} while(!temp1.isEmpty()){
int value = temp1.pop() + flag;
flag = value / 10;
value = value % 10;
ListNode cur = new ListNode(value); =; = cur;
} while(!temp2.isEmpty()){
int value = temp2.pop() + flag;
flag = value / 10;
value = value % 10;
ListNode cur = new ListNode(value); =; = cur;
} if(flag == 1){
ListNode cur = new ListNode(1); =; = cur;
} return;
} public Stack<Integer> reverseNode(ListNode temp){
Stack<Integer> record = new Stack<Integer>(); while(temp != null){
temp =;
} return record;


参考@sunday0904 的代码

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