cat /d/emoteproc/omap-rproc.0/version                                                <
127|shell@android:/d/remoteproc/omap-rproc.0 # cat trace0                     
[      0.000] 10 IpcMemory entries at 20000010
[      0.000] Watchdog enabled: TimerBase = 0x1d3a000 Freq = 38400000
[      0.000] Watchdog_restore registered as a resume callback
[      0.000] DSP starting..
[      0.001] copyTask 50: Entered...:
[      0.005] VirtQueue_startup: bufAddr address of 0xa0000000 received
[      0.005] registering rpmsg-client-sample service on 50 with HOST
[      0.009] copyTask 51: Entered...:
[      0.009] registering rpmsg-client-sample service on 51 with HOST
[      0.011] OmxSrvMgr: started on port: 60
[      0.011] registering rpmsg-omx2 service on 60 with HOST
[      0.011] OmxSrvMgr: Proc#3 sending BOOTINIT_DONE
1|shell@android:/data/test_dsp # ./omx_sample 2                           
omx_sample: Connected to OMX
omx_sample (1): OMX_GetHandle (H264_decoder).
        msg_id: 99, fxn_idx: 5, data_size: 13, data: OMX_Callback
omx_sample (1): Got omx_handle: 0x5c0ffee5
omx_sample(1): OMX_SetParameter (0x5c0ffee5)
omx_sample (1): Got result 0
omx_sample: Closed connection to OMX!
shell@android:/data/test_dsp # ./omx_benchmark 2                           
omx_sample: Connected to OMX
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(1)), result = 2
exec_cmd time (1): 61
exec_cmd avg time: 61 usecs
omx_sample: Closed connection to OMX!
shell@android:/data/hmm_test_dsp # ./omx_benchmark 2 10                        
omx_sample: Connected to OMX
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(1)), result = 2
exec_cmd time (1): 91
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(2)), result = 4
exec_cmd time (2): 61
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(3)), result = 6
exec_cmd time (3): 61
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(4)), result = 8
exec_cmd time (4): 61
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(5)), result = 10
exec_cmd time (5): 61
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(6)), result = 12
exec_cmd time (6): 91
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(7)), result = 14
exec_cmd time (7): 91
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(8)), result = 16
exec_cmd time (8): 61
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(9)), result = 18
exec_cmd time (9): 61
omx_benchmarkex: called fxnDouble(10)), result = 20
exec_cmd time (10): 61
exec_cmd avg time: 70 usecs
omx_sample: Closed connection to OMX!
shell@android:/data/test_dsp #
cat /d/remoteproc/omap-rproc.0/trace0                                                         <
[      0.000] 10 IpcMemory entries at 20000010
[      0.000] Watchdog enabled: TimerBase = 0x1d3a000 Freq = 38400000
[      0.000] Watchdog_restore registered as a resume callback
[      0.000] DSP starting..
[      0.000] copyTask 50: Entered...:
[      0.004] VirtQueue_startup: bufAddr address of 0xa0000000 received
[      0.004] registering rpmsg-client-sample service on 50 with HOST
[      0.007] copyTask 51: Entered...:
[      0.007] registering rpmsg-client-sample service on 51 with HOST
[      0.009] OmxSrvMgr: started on port: 60
[      0.009] registering rpmsg-omx2 service on 60 with HOST
[      0.009] OmxSrvMgr: Proc#3 sending BOOTINIT_DONE
[      5.054] IpcPower_postResume: BIOS Tick Timer may lose context across Device OFF (depending on host-side code)
[      5.057] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 0 from addr: 1025
[      5.057] OmxSrvMgr: CONN_REQ: len: 4, name: OMX
[      5.063] createService: new OMX Service at endpoint: 101
[      5.063] OmxSrvMgr: Replying with msg type: 1 to addr: 1025  from: 60
[      5.074] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 4 from addr: 1025
[      5.074] OmxSrvMgr: OMX_DISCONNECT: len 4, addr: 101
[      5.075] RcmServer_serverThrFxn_P: Exiting thread.
[      5.075] deleteService: removed RcmServer at endpoint: 101
[     10.092] IpcPower_postResume: BIOS Tick Timer may lose context across Device OFF (depending on host-side code)
[     10.095] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 0 from addr: 1025
[     10.095] OmxSrvMgr: CONN_REQ: len: 4, name: OMX
[     10.102] createService: new OMX Service at endpoint: 101
[     10.102] OmxSrvMgr: Replying with msg type: 1 to addr: 1025  from: 60
[     10.112] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 4 from addr: 1025
[     10.112] OmxSrvMgr: OMX_DISCONNECT: len 4, addr: 101
[     10.113] RcmServer_serverThrFxn_P: Exiting thread.
[     10.115] deleteService: removed RcmServer at endpoint: 101
[     15.273] IpcPower_postResume: BIOS Tick Timer may lose context across Device OFF (depending on host-side code)
[     15.276] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 0 from addr: 1025
[     15.276] OmxSrvMgr: CONN_REQ: len: 4, name: OMX
[     15.283] createService: new OMX Service at endpoint: 101
[     15.283] OmxSrvMgr: Replying with msg type: 1 to addr: 1025  from: 60
[     15.293] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 4 from addr: 1025
[     15.293] OmxSrvMgr: OMX_DISCONNECT: len 4, addr: 101
[     15.294] RcmServer_serverThrFxn_P: Exiting thread.
[     15.296] deleteService: removed RcmServer at endpoint: 101
[     20.891] IpcPower_postResume: BIOS Tick Timer may lose context across Device OFF (depending on host-side code)
[     20.894] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 0 from addr: 1025
[     20.894] OmxSrvMgr: CONN_REQ: len: 4, name: OMX
[     20.901] createService: new OMX Service at endpoint: 101
[     20.901] OmxSrvMgr: Replying with msg type: 1 to addr: 1025  from: 60
[     20.908] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 4 from addr: 1025
[     20.908] OmxSrvMgr: OMX_DISCONNECT: len 4, addr: 101
[     20.909] RcmServer_serverThrFxn_P: Exiting thread.
[     20.911] deleteService: removed RcmServer at endpoint: 101
[     26.619] IpcPower_postResume: BIOS Tick Timer may lose context across Device OFF (depending on host-side code)
[     26.622] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 0 from addr: 1025
[     26.622] OmxSrvMgr: CONN_REQ: len: 4, name: OMX
[     26.629] createService: new OMX Service at endpoint: 101
[     26.629] OmxSrvMgr: Replying with msg type: 1 to addr: 1025  from: 60
[     26.662] OmxSrvMgr: received msg type: 4 from addr: 1025
[     26.662] OmxSrvMgr: OMX_DISCONNECT: len 4, addr: 101
[     26.663] RcmServer_serverThrFxn_P: Exiting thread.
[     26.665] deleteService: removed RcmServer at endpoint: 101


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