The html_strip character filter strips HTML elements from the text and replaces HTML entities with their decoded value (e.g. replacing & with &).

Example outputedit

POST _analyze
"tokenizer": "keyword",

  "char_filter":  [ "html_strip" ],
"text": "<p>I&apos;m so <b>happy</b>!</p>"

The keyword tokenizer returns a single term.

The above example returns the term:

[ \nI'm so happy!\n ]

The same example with the standard tokenizer would return the following terms:

[ I'm, so, happy ]


The html_strip character filter accepts the following parameter:


An array of HTML tags which should not be stripped from the original text.

Example configurationedit

In this example, we configure the html_strip character filter to leave <b> tags in place:

PUT my_index
"settings": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"my_analyzer": {
"tokenizer": "keyword",
"char_filter": ["my_char_filter"]
"char_filter": {
"my_char_filter": {
"type": "html_strip",
"escaped_tags": ["b"]
} POST my_index/_analyze
"analyzer": "my_analyzer",
"text": "<p>I&apos;m so <b>happy</b>!</p>"

The above example produces the following term:

[ \nI'm so <b>happy</b>!\n ]


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