
 FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(outFile);

1. DistributedFileSystem



* Implementation of the abstract FileSystem for the DFS system.
* This object is the way end-user code interacts with a Hadoop
* DistributedFileSystem.


public FSDataOutputStream create(final Path f, final FsPermission permission,
final EnumSet<CreateFlag> cflags, final int bufferSize,
final short replication, final long blockSize, final Progressable progress,
final ChecksumOpt checksumOpt) throws IOException {
Path absF = fixRelativePart(f);
return new FileSystemLinkResolver<FSDataOutputStream>() {
public FSDataOutputStream doCall(final Path p)
throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException {
final DFSOutputStream dfsos = dfs.create(getPathName(p), permission,
cflags, replication, blockSize, progress, bufferSize,
return dfs.createWrappedOutputStream(dfsos, statistics);
public FSDataOutputStream next(final FileSystem fs, final Path p)
throws IOException {
return fs.create(p, permission, cflags, bufferSize,
replication, blockSize, progress, checksumOpt);
}.resolve(this, absF);

2. DFSClient


* Same as {@link #create(String, FsPermission, EnumSet, boolean, short, long,
* Progressable, int, ChecksumOpt)} with the addition of favoredNodes that is
* a hint to where the namenode should place the file blocks.
* The favored nodes hint is not persisted in HDFS. Hence it may be honored
* at the creation time only. HDFS could move the blocks during balancing or
* replication, to move the blocks from favored nodes. A value of null means
* no favored nodes for this create
public DFSOutputStream create(String src,
FsPermission permission,
EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag,
boolean createParent,
short replication,
long blockSize,
Progressable progress,
int buffersize,
ChecksumOpt checksumOpt,
InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes) throws IOException {
if (permission == null) {
permission = FsPermission.getFileDefault();
FsPermission masked = permission.applyUMask(dfsClientConf.uMask);
if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(src + ": masked=" + masked);
String[] favoredNodeStrs = null;
if (favoredNodes != null) {
favoredNodeStrs = new String[favoredNodes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < favoredNodes.length; i++) {
favoredNodeStrs[i] =
favoredNodes[i].getHostName() + ":"
+ favoredNodes[i].getPort();
final DFSOutputStream result = DFSOutputStream.newStreamForCreate(this,
src, masked, flag, createParent, replication, blockSize, progress,
buffersize, dfsClientConf.createChecksum(checksumOpt),
beginFileLease(result.getFileId(), result);
return result;

3. DFSOutputStream


  当客户端应用向当前包报文写入数据时,数据排队进入数据队列(dataQueue),DataStreamer线程从数据队列中接收这些数据,然后发送到管道的第一个数据节点(datanode),并将它从数据队列中移动到响应队列(ackQueue)。响应处理器(ResponseProcessor)接收数据节点的响应。 当从所有的数据节点接收到一个成功的响应包报文时,ResponseProcessor将相应的包报文从响应队列中移除。



* DFSOutputStream creates files from a stream of bytes.
* The client application writes data that is cached internally by
* this stream. Data is broken up into packets, each packet is
* typically 64K in size. A packet comprises of chunks. Each chunk
* is typically 512 bytes and has an associated checksum with it.
* When a client application fills up the currentPacket, it is
* enqueued into dataQueue. The DataStreamer thread picks up
* packets from the dataQueue, sends it to the first datanode in
* the pipeline and moves it from the dataQueue to the ackQueue.
* The ResponseProcessor receives acks from the datanodes. When an
* successful ack for a packet is received from all datanodes, the
* ResponseProcessor removes the corresponding packet from the
* ackQueue.
* In case of error, all outstanding packets and moved from
* ackQueue. A new pipeline is setup by eliminating the bad
* datanode from the original pipeline. The DataStreamer now
* starts sending packets from the dataQueue.
 static DFSOutputStream newStreamForCreate(DFSClient dfsClient, String src,
FsPermission masked, EnumSet<CreateFlag> flag, boolean createParent,
short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress, int buffersize,
DataChecksum checksum, String[] favoredNodes) throws IOException {
HdfsFileStatus stat = null; // Retry the create if we get a RetryStartFileException up to a maximum
// number of times
boolean shouldRetry = true;
int retryCount = CREATE_RETRY_COUNT;
while (shouldRetry) {
shouldRetry = false;
try {
stat = dfsClient.namenode.create(src, masked, dfsClient.clientName,
new EnumSetWritable<CreateFlag>(flag), createParent, replication,
} catch (RemoteException re) {
IOException e = re.unwrapRemoteException(
if (e instanceof RetryStartFileException) {
if (retryCount > 0) {
shouldRetry = true;
} else {
throw new IOException("Too many retries because of encryption" +
" zone operations", e);
} else {
throw e;
Preconditions.checkNotNull(stat, "HdfsFileStatus should not be null!");
final DFSOutputStream out = new DFSOutputStream(dfsClient, src, stat,
flag, progress, checksum, favoredNodes);
return out;


 private static class Packet {
private static final long HEART_BEAT_SEQNO = -1L;
long seqno; // sequencenumber of buffer in block
final long offsetInBlock; // offset in block
boolean syncBlock; // this packet forces the current block to disk
int numChunks; // number of chunks currently in packet
final int maxChunks; // max chunks in packet
private byte[] buf;
private boolean lastPacketInBlock; // is this the last packet in block? /**
* buf is pointed into like follows:
* (C is checksum data, D is payload data)
* [_________CCCCCCCCC________________DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD___]
* ^ ^ ^ ^
* | checksumPos dataStart dataPos
* checksumStart
* Right before sending, we move the checksum data to immediately precede
* the actual data, and then insert the header into the buffer immediately
* preceding the checksum data, so we make sure to keep enough space in
* front of the checksum data to support the largest conceivable header.
int checksumStart;
int checksumPos;
final int dataStart;
int dataPos; /**
* Create a new packet.
* @param pktSize maximum size of the packet,
* including checksum data and actual data.
* @param chunksPerPkt maximum number of chunks per packet.
* @param offsetInBlock offset in bytes into the HDFS block.
private Packet(byte[] buf, int chunksPerPkt, long offsetInBlock, long seqno,
int checksumSize) {
this.lastPacketInBlock = false;
this.numChunks = 0;
this.offsetInBlock = offsetInBlock;
this.seqno = seqno; this.buf = buf; checksumStart = PacketHeader.PKT_MAX_HEADER_LEN;
checksumPos = checksumStart;
dataStart = checksumStart + (chunksPerPkt * checksumSize);
dataPos = dataStart;
maxChunks = chunksPerPkt;



  private synchronized void start() {


// The DataStreamer class is responsible for sending data packets to the
// datanodes in the pipeline. It retrieves a new blockid and block locations
// from the namenode, and starts streaming packets to the pipeline of
// Datanodes. Every packet has a sequence number associated with
// it. When all the packets for a block are sent out and acks for each
// if them are received, the DataStreamer closes the current block.


* streamer thread is the only thread that opens streams to datanode,
* and closes them. Any error recovery is also done by this thread.
public void run() {
long lastPacket = Time.now();
TraceScope traceScope = null;
if (traceSpan != null) {
traceScope = Trace.continueSpan(traceSpan);
while (!streamerClosed && dfsClient.clientRunning) { // if the Responder encountered an error, shutdown Responder
if (hasError && response != null) {
try {
response = null;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
DFSClient.LOG.warn("Caught exception ", e);
} Packet one;
try {
// process datanode IO errors if any
boolean doSleep = false;
if (hasError && (errorIndex >= 0 || restartingNodeIndex >= 0)) {
doSleep = processDatanodeError();
} synchronized (dataQueue) {
// wait for a packet to be sent.
long now = Time.now();
while ((!streamerClosed && !hasError && dfsClient.clientRunning
&& dataQueue.size() == 0 &&
(stage != BlockConstructionStage.DATA_STREAMING ||
stage == BlockConstructionStage.DATA_STREAMING &&
now - lastPacket < dfsClient.getConf().socketTimeout/2)) || doSleep ) {
long timeout = dfsClient.getConf().socketTimeout/2 - (now-lastPacket);
timeout = timeout <= 0 ? 1000 : timeout;
timeout = (stage == BlockConstructionStage.DATA_STREAMING)?
timeout : 1000;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
DFSClient.LOG.warn("Caught exception ", e);
doSleep = false;
now = Time.now();
if (streamerClosed || hasError || !dfsClient.clientRunning) {
// get packet to be sent.
if (dataQueue.isEmpty()) {
one = createHeartbeatPacket();
} else {
one = dataQueue.getFirst(); // regular data packet
assert one != null; // get new block from namenode.
if (stage == BlockConstructionStage.PIPELINE_SETUP_CREATE) {
if(DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
DFSClient.LOG.debug("Allocating new block");
} else if (stage == BlockConstructionStage.PIPELINE_SETUP_APPEND) {
if(DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
DFSClient.LOG.debug("Append to block " + block);
} long lastByteOffsetInBlock = one.getLastByteOffsetBlock();
if (lastByteOffsetInBlock > blockSize) {
throw new IOException("BlockSize " + blockSize +
" is smaller than data size. " +
" Offset of packet in block " +
lastByteOffsetInBlock +
" Aborting file " + src);
} if (one.lastPacketInBlock) {
// wait for all data packets have been successfully acked
synchronized (dataQueue) {
while (!streamerClosed && !hasError &&
ackQueue.size() != 0 && dfsClient.clientRunning) {
try {
// wait for acks to arrive from datanodes
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
DFSClient.LOG.warn("Caught exception ", e);
if (streamerClosed || hasError || !dfsClient.clientRunning) {
stage = BlockConstructionStage.PIPELINE_CLOSE;
} // send the packet
synchronized (dataQueue) {
// move packet from dataQueue to ackQueue
if (!one.isHeartbeatPacket()) {
} if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
DFSClient.LOG.debug("DataStreamer block " + block +
" sending packet " + one);
} // write out data to remote datanode
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// HDFS-3398 treat primary DN is down since client is unable to
// write to primary DN. If a failed or restarting node has already
// been recorded by the responder, the following call will have no
// effect. Pipeline recovery can handle only one node error at a
// time. If the primary node fails again during the recovery, it
// will be taken out then.
throw e;
lastPacket = Time.now(); // update bytesSent
long tmpBytesSent = one.getLastByteOffsetBlock();
if (bytesSent < tmpBytesSent) {
bytesSent = tmpBytesSent;
} if (streamerClosed || hasError || !dfsClient.clientRunning) {
} // Is this block full?
if (one.lastPacketInBlock) {
// wait for the close packet has been acked
synchronized (dataQueue) {
while (!streamerClosed && !hasError &&
ackQueue.size() != 0 && dfsClient.clientRunning) {
dataQueue.wait(1000);// wait for acks to arrive from datanodes
if (streamerClosed || hasError || !dfsClient.clientRunning) {
} endBlock();
if (progress != null) { progress.progress(); } // This is used by unit test to trigger race conditions.
if (artificialSlowdown != 0 && dfsClient.clientRunning) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Log warning if there was a real error.
if (restartingNodeIndex == -1) {
DFSClient.LOG.warn("DataStreamer Exception", e);
if (e instanceof IOException) {
} else {
setLastException(new IOException("DataStreamer Exception: ",e));
hasError = true;
if (errorIndex == -1 && restartingNodeIndex == -1) {
// Not a datanode issue
streamerClosed = true;
if (traceScope != null) {




* Initialize for data streaming
private void initDataStreaming() {
this.setName("DataStreamer for file " + src +
" block " + block);
response = new ResponseProcessor(nodes);
stage = BlockConstructionStage.DATA_STREAMING;


// Processes responses from the datanodes. A packet is removed
// from the ackQueue when its response arrives.


 public void run() {

        setName("ResponseProcessor for block " + block);
PipelineAck ack = new PipelineAck(); while (!responderClosed && dfsClient.clientRunning && !isLastPacketInBlock) {
// process responses from datanodes.
try {
// read an ack from the pipeline
long begin = Time.monotonicNow();
long duration = Time.monotonicNow() - begin;
if (duration > dfsclientSlowLogThresholdMs
&& ack.getSeqno() != Packet.HEART_BEAT_SEQNO) {
.warn("Slow ReadProcessor read fields took " + duration
+ "ms (threshold=" + dfsclientSlowLogThresholdMs + "ms); ack: "
+ ack + ", targets: " + Arrays.asList(targets));
} else if (DFSClient.LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
DFSClient.LOG.debug("DFSClient " + ack);
} long seqno = ack.getSeqno();
// processes response status from datanodes.
for (int i = ack.getNumOfReplies()-1; i >=0 && dfsClient.clientRunning; i--) {
final Status reply = ack.getReply(i);
// Restart will not be treated differently unless it is
// the local node or the only one in the pipeline.
if (PipelineAck.isRestartOOBStatus(reply) &&
shouldWaitForRestart(i)) {
restartDeadline = dfsClient.getConf().datanodeRestartTimeout +
String message = "A datanode is restarting: " + targets[i];
throw new IOException(message);
// node error
if (reply != SUCCESS) {
setErrorIndex(i); // first bad datanode
throw new IOException("Bad response " + reply +
" for block " + block +
" from datanode " +
} assert seqno != PipelineAck.UNKOWN_SEQNO :
"Ack for unknown seqno should be a failed ack: " + ack;
if (seqno == Packet.HEART_BEAT_SEQNO) { // a heartbeat ack
} // a success ack for a data packet
Packet one;
synchronized (dataQueue) {
one = ackQueue.getFirst();
if (one.seqno != seqno) {
throw new IOException("ResponseProcessor: Expecting seqno " +
" for block " + block +
one.seqno + " but received " + seqno);
isLastPacketInBlock = one.lastPacketInBlock; // Fail the packet write for testing in order to force a
// pipeline recovery.
if (DFSClientFaultInjector.get().failPacket() &&
isLastPacketInBlock) {
failPacket = true;
throw new IOException(
"Failing the last packet for testing.");
} // update bytesAcked
block.setNumBytes(one.getLastByteOffsetBlock()); synchronized (dataQueue) {
lastAckedSeqno = seqno;
dataQueue.notifyAll(); one.releaseBuffer(byteArrayManager);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!responderClosed) {
if (e instanceof IOException) {
hasError = true;
// If no explicit error report was received, mark the primary
// node as failed.
synchronized (dataQueue) {
if (restartingNodeIndex == -1) {
DFSClient.LOG.warn("DFSOutputStream ResponseProcessor exception "
+ " for block " + block, e);
responderClosed = true;





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