High Dynamic Range (HDR)


As well as Color Space, the ‘dynamic range’ of your camera needs to be configured. Essentially, this defines how extremely bright or dark colors are captured by scene cameras. HDR can be enabled from the camera component in the Inspector by using the HDR checkbox. Note that HDR is unsupported by some mobile hardware. It is also not supported in Forward Rendering when using techniques such as multi-sample anti-aliasing (MSAA).

和Color Space一样,需要配置相机的“动态范围”。从本质上讲,它定义了场景摄像机捕捉极其明亮或深色的方式。通过使用HDR复选框,Inspector中的相机组件可以启用HDR。请注意,某些移动硬件不支持HDR。在使用诸如多重抗锯齿(MSAA)等技术时,它在正向渲染中也不受支持。

HDR is best used in combination with Linear Color Space in order to preserve accuracy when handling very bright colors.


By default, cameras in Unity use a Low Dynamic Range (LDR). Colors are stored using 8-bits per channel - red, green and blue. 8-bits refers to the ‘precision’ and means that color data is stored with 8 values of either 1 or 0, giving 256 possible unique combinations for each color channel. 256 x 256 x 256 colors per channel means that by storing values using 8-bits we are able to uniquely reference over 16 million color variations ranging in intensity from black to white.

默认情况下,Unity中的摄像机使用低动态范围(LDR)。颜色使用每通道8位存储 - 红色,绿色和蓝色。 8位是指“精度”,意味着颜色数据存储8个值为1或0,为每个颜色通道提供256种可能的独特组合。每通道256 x 256 x 256色意味着通过使用8位存储值,我们能够唯一参照超过1600万种颜色变化,亮度范围从黑色到白色。

In reality, colors in the real world extend far outside this 16 million color range. There are infinite permutations of color possibilities, and brightness goes beyond what our eyes can even see. Similarly Unity is capable of handling extremely bright lights which produce colors beyond that which can be displayed on an LDR device such as your computer screen. However, despite this potential limitation in the output device, these extreme light values still remain useful to us in a number of applications.


By enabling HDR on your scene camera, colors will be stored with much greater precision (using the floating point representation). Many more unique colors over a much brighter range of luminance can be handled.


HDR enables us to preserve the great differences in brightness between, say, outdoor lighting in our scenes and shaded areas. We can also create effects like ‘blooms’ or glows by applying effects to these bright colors in your scene. Special effects like these can add realism to particles or other visible light sources. However, these extreme color values also need to be handled somehow to prevent them being ‘clamped’ to white.


Tonemapping 色调映射

Using the analogy of photography, if we were to photograph our scene using different exposure settings, then we could start to see these extreme color details which otherwise might have been lost. Light tones in the brightest areas of the image which have been lost to white can be recovered, or dark tones lost to black. This is analogous to ‘tonemapping’ in computer graphics, where we take colors outside of the range reproducible by our target device (computer screen, for example) and shift them mathematically into a range which can be reproduced. The resulting output still makes sense perceptually, because colors remain relative to one another. They are correct in context.


When using HDR cameras, the Tonemapping Image Effect from Standard Assets (Assets>Import Package>Effects) must be added to the camera. This script provides you control over how very bright color intensities recorded by your camera are converted into colors which can be displayed.

使用HDR相机时,必须将Standard Assets的Tonemapping Image Effect(Assets>Import Package>Effects)添加到相机。通过此脚本,您可以控制相机记录的非常明亮的色彩强度如何转换为可以显示的颜色。

More information on Tonemapping can be found here.更多关于Tonemapping的信息可以在这里找到。

<wiz_tmp_tag id="wiz-table-range-border" contenteditable="false" style="display: none;">


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