Consider all integer combinations ofabfor 2a5 and 2b5:

22=4, 23=8, 24=16, 25=32

32=9, 33=27, 34=81, 35=243

42=16, 43=64, 44=256, 45=1024

52=25, 53=125, 54=625, 55=3125

If they are then placed in numerical order, with any repeats removed, we get the following sequence of 15 distinct terms:

4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, 64, 81, 125, 243, 256, 625, 1024, 3125

How many distinct terms are in the sequence generated byabfor 2a100 and 2b100?


考虑 ab 在 2 a 5,2 b 5下的所有整数组合:

22=4, 23=8, 24=16, 25=32

32=9, 33=27, 34=81, 35=243

42=16, 43=64, 44=256, 45=1024

52=25, 53=125, 54=625, 55=3125


4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, 64, 81, 125, 243, 256, 625, 1024, 3125

ab 在 2 a 100,2 b 100 下生成的序列中有多少个不同的项?


1、将ab 进行因数分解,以字符串的形式保存,eg.  285 = (4 * 7)5 = (22 * 7)= 2^10*7^5




//(Problem 29)Distinct powers
// Completed on Tue, 19 Nov 2013, 07:28
// Language: C
// 版权所有(C)acutus (mail:
// 博客地址:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> const int prim[] = {, , , , , , , , , , , ,,
, , , , , , , , , , , }; struct node
char list[]; }num[]; int cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return strcmp((*(struct node*)a).list, (*(struct node*)b).list);
} char * explain(int a, int b) /*将a^b分解因数*/
char s[], ch;
char *p;
p = s;
int t;
for(int i = ; i < ; i++) {
t = ;
while(a % prim[i] == ) {
if(t == ) {
a /= prim[i];
if(t > ) {
p = s + strlen(s);
*p++ = '^';
t = t * b;
p = s + strlen(s);
if(a != ) {
*p++ = '*';
} else {
return s;
} void solve(void)
int i, j, k, sum;
k = ;
for(i = ; i < ; i++) {
for(j = ; j < ; j++) {
strcpy(num[k++].list, explain(i,j));
qsort(num, , sizeof(num[]),cmp);
sum = ;
for(i = ; i < ; ) {
j = i + ;
if(j >= ) break;
while(strcmp(num[i].list, num[j].list) == ) {
i = j;
sum ++;
} int main(void)
return ;



能够发生重复的数字,将他们因数分解以后,得到的指数的底都是相同的,e.g. 16与64……,在2~100中,能够发生重复数字的底只有4、8、16、32、64、9、27、81、25、36、49、81、100,于是可以在底为2的时候就排除掉以4、8、16、32、64为底的重复的数字。

#include<stdlib.h> #define N 101
#define M 601 int main(void)
int answer = ;
int i, j, k, l;
bool flag[M]; bool use[N] = {false}; for (i = ; i < N; i++)
if (!use[i])
int t = i; memset(flag, false, sizeof(flag)); for (j = ; j < N; j++)
t = t * i;
if (t >= N)
use[t] = true;
} for (k = ; k < j; k++)
for (l = ; l < N; l++)
flag[k*l] = true;
} for (k = ; k < M; k++)
} }
return ;

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