1 深度优先方法



深度优先访问图,然后根据是否存在back edge判断是否存在环路


#include <iostream>
using namespace std; #define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 128
enum color{WHITE, GRAY = 1, BLACK};
int colour[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];
int dfsNum[MAX_VERTEX_NUM], num;
int indegree[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];
int vexnum, edgenum;
bool loop; void init_graph(){
cout<<"enter vertex number:"<<endl;
cout<<"enter edge number:"<<endl;
cin>>edgenum; int i, j;
cout<<"add new edge:"<<endl;
M[i - 1][j - 1] = true;
//initialize in vertex degree
indegree[i - 1]++;
indegree[j - 1]++;
} void dfs(int u, int p){
colour[u] = GRAY;
dfsNum[u] = num++;
cout<<"old relation:"<<endl;
cout<<"child: "<<u + 1<<" parent :"<<p + 1<<endl;
for( int v = 0; v < vexnum; v++){
if(M[u][v] && v != p){
if(colour[v] == WHITE){
cout<<"new relation:"<<endl;
cout<<"parent "<<u + 1<<"(color: "<<colour[u]<<")"
<<"and child "<<v + 1<<"(color: "<<colour[v]<<")"<<endl;
dfs(v, u);
cout<<"parent "<<u + 1<<"(color: "<<colour[u]<<")"
<<"and child "<<v + 1<<"(color: "<<colour[v]<<")"<<endl;
else if(colour[v] == GRAY){
cout<<"back edge between"<<u + 1<<" and "<<v + 1<<endl;
loop = true;
// break;
else if(colour[v] == BLACK){
cout<<"cross edge between"<<u + 1<<" and"<<v + 1<<endl;;
loop = true;
// break;
colour[u] = BLACK;
void print_dfs_num(){
for(int v = 0; v < vexnum; v++)
cout<<dfsNum[v]<<" ";
} int main()
dfs(0, -1);
cout<<"There is loop in graph!"<<endl; int ch;
return 0;


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