public class CopyFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
String str_src = "/usr/local/myjar/mongo/地图数据/Zhengye_Drive_Testing_Data/solu"
+ "/solu_Yanming_DriveTesting_09-04.16-17.16-27_True_TA.json";
String str_dst = "hdfs://node4:9000/user/hadoop/TestFile.json"; Path src = new Path(str_src); //本地地址
Path dst = new Path(str_dst); //hdfs地址 FileSystem hdfs = dst.getFileSystem(conf);
//FileSystem hdfs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(str_dst),conf); //这样也可以
//伪分布式上面两种都可以,如果直接FileSystem.get(conf),可能出现错误 hdfs.copyFromLocalFile(src, dst);
System.out.println("Upload to "+conf.get("fs.default.name")); FileStatus files[] = hdfs.listStatus(dst);
for(FileStatus file:files){
} catch (IOException e) {
可能出现的错误 Wrong FS解决方法:
2. 在hdfs中创建文件,并写入一行文字
public class CreateFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
byte[] buff = "This is a test line.".getBytes();
String dsf = "hdfs://node4:9000/user/hadoop/Test";
Path pathdsf = new Path(dsf);
FileSystem hdfs = pathdsf.getFileSystem(conf);
FSDataOutputStream outputStream = hdfs.create(pathdsf);
System.out.println("Finish write!");
} catch (IOException e) {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Path path_del = new Path("hdfs://node4:9000/user/hadoop/Test2");
FileSystem hdfs = path_del.getFileSystem(conf);
boolean isDeleted = hdfs.delete(path_del,false);
//hdfs.delete(path_del,true); //递归删除,如果path_del是一个文件夹,将文件夹以及下面的子文件全删除
System.out.println("delete? " +isDeleted);
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Path path_fr = new Path("hdfs://node4:9000/user/hadoop/Test");
Path path_to = new Path("hdfs://node4:9000/user/hadoop/Test2");
FileSystem hdfs = path_fr.getFileSystem(conf);
boolean isRename = hdfs.rename(path_fr, path_to); //对文件进行重命名
System.out.println("is rename? "+isRename);
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Path findf = new Path("hdfs://node4:9000/user/hadoop/hadoop.txt");
FileSystem hdfs = findf.getFileSystem(conf); //查看某个HDFS文件是否存在
boolean isExists = hdfs.exists(findf); //查看文件或文件夹是否存在
System.out.println("exists? " + isExists); //查看HDFS文件的属性
FileStatus filestatus = hdfs.getFileStatus(findf);
long modificationTime = filestatus.getModificationTime(); //最后修改时间
System.out.println("Modification time is: "+modificationTime);
long blocksize = filestatus.getBlockSize(); //块大小
System.out.println("Block size is: "+blocksize); //查看某个文件在HDFS集群的位置
BlockLocation[] blkLocations = hdfs.getFileBlockLocations(filestatus, 0, filestatus.getLen());
int blockLen = blkLocations.length;
for(int i = 0 ; i < blockLen ; i++){
String[] hosts = blkLocations[i].getHosts();
System.out.println("block "+i+" location: "+hosts[i]);
} //查看hdfs文件系统的的各项信息
System.out.println("scheme: "+hdfs.getScheme());
System.out.println("used: "+hdfs.getUsed());
System.out.println("canonical service name: "+hdfs.getCanonicalServiceName());
System.out.println("default block size: "+hdfs.getDefaultBlockSize(findf));
exists? true
Modification time is: 1430225267896
Block size is: 134217728
block 0 location: node4
scheme: hdfs
used: 0
canonical service name:
default block size: 134217728
String dsf = "hdfs://node4:9000/user/hadoop/Test";
Configuration conf = new Configuration(); Path pathdsf = new Path(dsf); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(URI.create(dsf), conf);
//FileSystem fs = pathdsf.getFileSystem(conf); //这样也可以 FSDataInputStream hdfsInStream = fs.open(pathdsf); byte[] ioBuffer = new byte[1024];
int readLen = hdfsInStream.read(ioBuffer);
while (readLen != -1) {
System.out.write(ioBuffer, 0, readLen);
readLen = hdfsInStream.read(ioBuffer);
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Path path = new Path("hdfs://node4:9000/user/hadoop");
FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf);
DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem) fs;
DatanodeInfo[] dataNodeStats = dfs.getDataNodeStats(); String[] names = new String[dataNodeStats.length];
for(int i = 0 ; i < dataNodeStats.length ; i++){
names[i] = dataNodeStats[i].getHostName();
System.out.println("no."+i+", name:"+names[i]);
no.0, name:node4
no.1, name:node3
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