1.安装 Gnome 经典桌面
sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback
没有安装桌面的可安装 Gnome 桌面:
sudo apt-get install gnome-core (见图2)
可以到 http://sourceforge.net/projects/macbuntu/?source=typ_redirect 下载,也可以到 (http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-05/36331.htm) 下载 Macbuntu 主题,这款Macbuntu是高仿Mac主题,适用于Ubuntu 10.10 以后的版本,但要简单设置一下:将 install.sh 和 uninstall.sh 中的 UBUVER="10.10" ,改成自己对应的版本号就行了,比如 12.04(见图3),以普通用户运行脚本即可(根据提示进行具体配置):
安装开始了,注意一些事项,第一个选择 3 ,其他选择是,就是 Y (见图4)
Macbuntu - Mac OS X Transformation Pack
The Macbuntu installation script automatically installs and configures
all necessary system components to mimic Mac OS X appearance on Ubuntu Linux
Macbuntu-12.04 v2.3
* Paw-OSX and Paw-Ubuntu Plymouth themes
* Macbuntu sound theme
* Macbuntu GTK theme based on GTK Leopard
* Macbuntu-Icons based on Mac4Lin and Faenza Icons
* Macbuntu-Cursors based on Shere Khan X
* Mac OS X backgrounds
* Mac OS X fonts
* Compiz Extras
* Application Menu
* Docky
* Ubuntu-Tweak
* Cheese
* Login screen
* Metacity
* Compiz effects
* Window theme
* Backgrounds
* Cursors
* Icons
* Top panel
Script significantly changes the desktop.
Not compatible with Ubuntu Netbook Edition.
If a previous version of Macbuntu-12.04 is installed it will be overwritten.
Checking Ubuntu version...
Checkin script user...
Checking currently installed version of Macbuntu-12.04...
This script will install and enable Macbuntu-12.04 now
You must have root privileges to be able to install listed components.
Running scripts with root privileges is dangerous, if you do not trust the software
or you are unsure about the origin of this software, please abort (Control+C).
Macbuntu guarantee the safe code only if the application comes from this address
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
Checkin for a root access...
[sudo] password for www-linuxidc-com:
Preparing backup...
Please, take a breath and answer a few questions
- Which font you want to install, otherwise a default (*) one will be selected?
* 1. Do nothing, I want to do it myself
2. Latin
3. Chinese
- Which distributor logo you want to install, otherwise a default (*) one will be selected?
1. Mac - small
* 2. Mac - middle
3. Mac - big
4. Ubuntu
5. Gnome
- Do you want to enable wobbly windows [Y/n]?
- Enable left bottom corner to show desktop [Y/n]?
- Enable right bottom corner to show all windows [Y/n]?
重启,登录界面选择 Gnome Classic,就看到经典的 Ubuntu 界面了,但不是很漂亮。配置:打开 Ubuntu Tweak(见 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-06/61946.htm ),把 icon,cursor,window 主题都设置为 Macbuntu 的,GTK 主题设置为 Radiance,这时应该有点效果了,但 panel 还不行。
4.设置 panel
先把底部的 panel 给删除掉(因为已经有 docky 了),方法是 alt + win + 右键,这时会出现添加,属性,删除,新建
等 panel 选项,同样可以设置顶部 panel,可以添加,删除,移动小部件。多摸索几次,就可以把 Activities,当前窗口菜单,通知,
把自己的用户设置为自动登录,docky 添加到启动选项里,基本就可以了。
几个小问题,锁屏时主题没换过来,alt + tab 切换不了窗口,docky 有时会崩溃,flash 插件容易崩溃(特别是看电影的时候)。。。不
过这些都显得微不足道了,少开一点桌面特效,尽量少用 docky 插件,崩溃了就重启一下浏览器,并没有影响到什么。
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