Upgrade memory size for a laptop recently, the OS on the laptop was Windows 10 with a version of 2019 mid-term. After upgrade, I planned update the system but always fail on KB4556799, the Windows Update dialog shows error 0x800f0831. I have been try some methods of stop/start the update service by net stop/start command, and clean the update cache folder, all of that were useless.

给一台已经近一年没有更新的笔记本升级内存,笔记本上的系统是Win10在2019年中期的版本,升级完后打算做一下系统更新,但更新到KB4556799时,无论如何重试及按照其他教程使用net stop和net start停止/重启更新服务或清除更新文件缓存均不起作用,系统报错误0x800f0831。

After some search and test I resolve the problem, the solution is click HERE and click the Update Now button, the page would require you to download a tool that guiding you update your Windows 10 to the newest version. After installation and execution the Windows Updater just done some common regular update and shows "your operation system is the newest."

搜了一些信息并试验后这个问题得到解决,解决方法是:点击 此处并点击页面上的 立即更新 按钮,页面会提示下载,下载到的是WIndows 10易升这个程序,运行后Windows更新处就只运行一些常规更新,然后系统就给出了“你的操作系统已经是最新的”提示了。

Resolve Error While Windows 10 Updating Cross Multiple Updating Versions (Such as Error 0x800f0831 when Update KB4556799) | 解决跨多个更新版本升级Windows 10时遭遇错误的问题(如 KB4556799 / 错误0x800f0831)的更多相关文章

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