hdu5459 Jesus Is Here
``But Jesus is here!" the priest intoned. ``Show me your messages."
Fine, the first message is s1=‘‘c" and
the second one is s2=‘‘ff".
The i-th
message is si=si−2+si−1 afterwards.
Let me give you some examples.
s3=‘‘cff", s4=‘‘ffcff" and s5=‘‘cffffcff".
``I found the i-th
message's utterly charming," Jesus said.
``Look at the fifth message". s5=‘‘cffffcff" and
two ‘‘cff" appear
in it.
The distance between the first ‘‘cff" and
the second one we said, is 5.
``You are right, my friend," Jesus said. ``Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
Listen - look at him in the eye. I will find you, and count the sum of distance between each two different ‘‘cff" as
substrings of the message.
indicating there are T test
Following T lines,
each line contain an integer n (3≤n≤201314),
as the identifier of message.
Each line contains an integer equaling to:
where sn as
a string corresponding to the n-th
Case #2: 16
Case #3: 88
Case #4: 352
Case #5: 318505405
Case #6: 391786781
Case #7: 133875314
Case #8: 83347132
Case #9: 16520782
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
#define inf 0x7fffffff
#define mod 530600414
#define maxn 201316
ll f[maxn],c[maxn],s[maxn],n[maxn];
void init()
int i,j;
f[i]=(f[i-1]+f[i-2]+ ( (c[i-2]*n[i-2]-s[i-2])%mod )*c[i-1]%mod+c[i-2]*s[i-1]%mod )%mod;
s[i]=( (s[i-2]+ s[i-1])%mod+(n[i-2]*c[i-1])%mod )%mod;
int main()
int m,i,j,T,num1=0,d;
printf("Case #%d: %lld\n",num1,f[d]);
return 0;
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