• Allow an attacker to inject javascript code into the page.
  • The code is executed when the page loads.
  • The code is executed on the client machine, not the server.

Three main types:

1. Persistent/Stored XSS.

2. Reflected XSS.

3.DOM-based XSS


  • Try to inject javascript code into the pages.
  • Test text boxes and URL parameters on the form
    •   http://target.com/page.php?something=something


  • None persistent, not stored.
  • Only work if the target visits a specially crafted URL
    •   http://target.com/page.php?something=<script>altert("XSS")</script>


  • Persistent, stored on the page or DB.
  • The injected code is executed every time the page is loaded.

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