


[root@C8-1 ~]# type mail
-bash: type: mail: not found
[root@C8-1 ~]# which mailx
/usr/bin/which: no mailx in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)


[root@C8-1 ~]# yum info mail
Last metadata expiration check: 0:09:24 ago on Sat 20 Jun 2020 06:21:53 PM EDT.
Error: No matching Packages to list
[root@C8-1 ~]# yum info mailx
Last metadata expiration check: 0:09:32 ago on Sat 20 Jun 2020 06:21:53 PM EDT.
Available Packages
Name : mailx
Version : 12.5
Release : 29.el8
Architecture : x86_64
Size : 257 k
Source : mailx-12.5-29.el8.src.rpm
Repository : BaseOS
Summary : Enhanced implementation of the mailx command
URL : http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/mailx.html
License : BSD with advertising and MPLv1.1
Description : Mailx is an enhanced mail command, which provides the functionality
: of the POSIX mailx command, as well as SysV mail and Berkeley Mail
: (from which it is derived).
: Additionally to the POSIX features, mailx can work with Maildir/ e-mail
: storage format (as well as mailboxes), supports IMAP, POP3 and SMTP
: protocols (including over SSL) to operate with remote hosts, handles mime
: types and different charsets. There are a lot of other useful features,
: see mailx(1).
: And as its ancient analogues, mailx can be used as a mail script language,
: both for sending and receiving mail.
: Besides the "mailx" command, this package provides "mail" and "Mail"
: (which should be compatible with its predecessors from the mailx-8.x source),
: as well as "nail" (the initial name of this project).


[root@C8-1 ~]# yum info mailx
Last metadata expiration check: 0:09:32 ago on Sat 20 Jun 2020 06:21:53 PM EDT.
Available Packages
Name : mailx
Version : 12.5
Release : 29.el8
Architecture : x86_64
Size : 257 k
Source : mailx-12.5-29.el8.src.rpm
Repository : BaseOS
Summary : Enhanced implementation of the mailx command
URL : http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/mailx.html
License : BSD with advertising and MPLv1.1
Description : Mailx is an enhanced mail command, which provides the functionality
: of the POSIX mailx command, as well as SysV mail and Berkeley Mail
: (from which it is derived).
: Additionally to the POSIX features, mailx can work with Maildir/ e-mail
: storage format (as well as mailboxes), supports IMAP, POP3 and SMTP
: protocols (including over SSL) to operate with remote hosts, handles mime
: types and different charsets. There are a lot of other useful features,
: see mailx(1).
: And as its ancient analogues, mailx can be used as a mail script language,
: both for sending and receiving mail.
: Besides the "mailx" command, this package provides "mail" and "Mail"
: (which should be compatible with its predecessors from the mailx-8.x source),
: as well as "nail" (the initial name of this project). [root@C8-1 ~]# yum -y install mailx
Last metadata expiration check: 0:10:34 ago on Sat 20 Jun 2020 06:21:53 PM EDT.
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
mailx x86_64 12.5-29.el8 BaseOS 257 k Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package Total download size: 257 k
Installed size: 491 k
Downloading Packages:
mailx-12.5-29.el8.x86_64.rpm 2.2 MB/s | 257 kB 00:00
Total 160 kB/s | 257 kB 00:01
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Installing : mailx-12.5-29.el8.x86_64 1/1
Running scriptlet: mailx-12.5-29.el8.x86_64 1/1
Verifying : mailx-12.5-29.el8.x86_64 1/1 Installed:
mailx-12.5-29.el8.x86_64 Complete!


[root@C8-1 ~]# type mail
mail is hashed (/usr/bin/mail)
[root@C8-1 ~]# rpm -qf /usr/bin/mail


[root@C8-1 ~]# cat .mailrc
set from=2……0@qq.com #邮箱地址
set smtp=smtp.qq.com #smtp服务器信息
set smtp-auth-user=2……0@qq.com #登录用户名
set smtp-auth-password=e……f #邮箱密码
set smtp-auth=login
set ssl-verify=ignore


[root@C8-1 ~]# echo "FBI Warning" | mail -s hellow 1……7@qq.com



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