UVM中有需要从cmmand line 输入参数的需求,所有uvm_svcmd_dpi.svh和uvm_svcmd_dpi.cc 文件就是实现功能。

uvm_svcmd_dpi.svh的源代码如下,我们可以看SV采用import的方式导入C代码函数,所有者写函数的实现在uvm_svcmd_dpi.cc 中。当定义了UVM_CMDLINE_NO_DPI的宏时,所有函数返回值要么是NULL,要么是“?”。

// Import DPI functions used by the interface to generate the
// lists. `ifndef UVM_CMDLINE_NO_DPI
import "DPI-C" function string uvm_dpi_get_next_arg_c (int init);
import "DPI-C" function string uvm_dpi_get_tool_name_c ();
import "DPI-C" function string uvm_dpi_get_tool_version_c (); function string uvm_dpi_get_next_arg(int init=);
return uvm_dpi_get_next_arg_c(init);
endfunction function string uvm_dpi_get_tool_name();
return uvm_dpi_get_tool_name_c();
endfunction function string uvm_dpi_get_tool_version();
return uvm_dpi_get_tool_version_c();
endfunction import "DPI-C" function chandle uvm_dpi_regcomp(string regex);
import "DPI-C" function int uvm_dpi_regexec(chandle preg, string str);
import "DPI-C" function void uvm_dpi_regfree(chandle preg); `else
function string uvm_dpi_get_next_arg(int init=);
return "";
endfunction function string uvm_dpi_get_tool_name();
return "?";
endfunction function string uvm_dpi_get_tool_version();
return "?";
endfunction function chandle uvm_dpi_regcomp(string regex); return null; endfunction
function int uvm_dpi_regexec(chandle preg, string str); return ; endfunction
function void uvm_dpi_regfree(chandle preg); endfunction `endif


#include "uvm_dpi.h"
#include <assert.h> #define ARGV_STACK_PTR_SIZE 32 // the total number of arguments (minus the -f/-F minus associated filenames)
int argc_total;
// the ptr to the array of ptrs to the args
char** argv_stack=NULL; char ** argv_ptr=NULL; void push_data(int lvl,char *entry, int cmd) {
} // walk one level (potentially recursive)
void walk_level(int lvl, int argc, char**argv,int cmd) {
int idx;
for(idx=; ((lvl==) && idx<argc) || ((lvl>) && (*argv));idx++,argv++) {
if(strcmp(*argv, "-f") && strcmp(*argv, "-F")) {
} else {
char **n=(char**) *argv;
} const char *uvm_dpi_get_next_arg_c (int init) {
s_vpi_vlog_info info;
static int idx=; if(init==)
// free if necessary
argc_total=; vpi_get_vlog_info(&info);
walk_level(,info.argc,info.argv,); argv_stack = (char**) malloc (sizeof(char*)*argc_total);
} if(idx++>=argc_total)
return NULL; return *argv_ptr++;
} extern char* uvm_dpi_get_tool_name_c ()
s_vpi_vlog_info info;
return info.product;
} extern char* uvm_dpi_get_tool_version_c ()
s_vpi_vlog_info info;
return info.version;
} extern regex_t* uvm_dpi_regcomp (char* pattern)
regex_t* re = (regex_t*) malloc (sizeof(regex_t));
int status = regcomp(re, pattern, REG_NOSUB|REG_EXTENDED);
const char * err_str = "uvm_dpi_regcomp : Unable to compile regex: |%s|, Element 0 is: %c";
char buffer[strlen(err_str) + strlen(pattern) + ];
sprintf(buffer, err_str, pattern, pattern[]);
(char*) __FILE__,
free (re);
return NULL;
return re;
} extern int uvm_dpi_regexec (regex_t* re, char* str)
if(!re )
return ;
return regexec(re, str, (size_t), NULL, );
} extern void uvm_dpi_regfree (regex_t* re)
if(!re) return;
free (re);


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