create table STUDENT_SCORE
name VARCHAR2(20),
subject VARCHAR2(20),
score NUMBER(4,1)
) insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('张三', '语文', 78.0);
insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('张三', '数学', 88.0);
insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('张三', '英语', 98.0);
insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('李四', '语文', 89.0);
insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('李四', '数学', 76.0);
insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('李四', '英语', 90.0);
insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('王五', '语文', 99.0);
insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('王五', '数学', 66.0);
insert into student_score (NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE) values ('王五', '英语', 91.0); --emp
语文 数学 英语
及格 优秀 不及格
select name,
(select score from student_score s1 where subject = '语文' and s1.name=s.name) 语文,
(select score from student_score s1 where subject = '数学' and s1.name=s.name) 数学,
(select score from student_score s1 where subject = '英语' and s1.name=s.name) 英语
from student_score s group by name --方法二 decode
select s.name,
sum(decode(subject, '语文',s.score,0)) 语文,
sum(decode(subject, '数学',s.score,0)) 数学,
sum(decode(subject, '英语',s.score,0)) 英语
from student_score s
group by s.name
--方法三 case when
select s.name , sum(case s.subject when '语文' then s.score else 0 end) "语文",
sum(case s.subject when '数学' then s.score else 0 end) 数学,
sum(case s.subject when '英语' then s.score else 0 end) 英语
from student_score s group by s.name
采用 join表连接的方式 --判断及格否
select t.name 名字,
when t.y between 90 and 100 then
when t.y between 60 and 90 then
when t.y between 0 and 60 then
end 语文,
when t.s between 90 and 100 then
when t.s between 60 and 90 then
when t.s between 0 and 60 then
end 数学,
when t.e between 90 and 100 then
when t.e between 60 and 90 then
when t.e between 0 and 60 then
end 英语 from ( select s.name,
sum(decode(subject, '语文', s.score, 0)) y,
sum(decode(subject, '数学', s.score, 0)) s,
sum(decode(subject, '英语', s.score, 0)) e
from student_score s
group by s.name) t -----------------------第二题-------------------------------- create table test(
id number(10) primary key,
type number(10) ,
t_id number(10),
value varchar2(5)
insert into test values(100,1,1,'张三');
insert into test values(200,2,1,'男');
insert into test values(300,3,1,'');
姓名 性别 年龄
--------- -------- ----
张三 男 50
*/ --方法一
select listagg(decode(t.type, 1, t.value)) within group(order by value) 姓名,
listagg(decode(t.type, 2, t.value)) within group(order by value) 性别,
listagg(decode(t.type, 3, t.value)) within group(order by value) 年龄
from test t
group by t.t_id --方法二
select max(decode(t.type, 1, t.value)) 姓名,
max(decode(t.type, 2, t.value)) 性别,
max(decode(t.type, 3, t.value))年龄
from test t group by t.t_id --方法三表连接方式
select * from test select *
from (select value name,t_id from test where type = 1) m1
join (select value sex,t_id from test where type = 2) m2
on m1.t_id = m2.t_id -------------------------第三题------------------------- create table tmp(rq varchar2(10),shengfu varchar2(5)) insert into tmp values('2005-05-09','胜');
insert into tmp values('2005-05-09','胜');
insert into tmp values('2005-05-09','负');
insert into tmp values('2005-05-09','负');
insert into tmp values('2005-05-10','胜');
insert into tmp values('2005-05-10','负');
insert into tmp values('2005-05-10','负'); select * from tmp;
胜 负
2005-05-09 2 2
2005-05-10 1 2 --方法一
select rq,
sum(decode(shengfu, '胜', 1, '负', 0)) 胜,
sum(decode(shengfu, '胜', 0, '负', 1)) 负
from tmp
group by rq


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