- Application Publisher - An individual or company that publishes an application to an application catalog
- End User - An individual or company attempting to self-provision an application from an application catalog
- Catalog Administrator - An individual or company that maintains an application catalog and determines any relevant policies regarding its use.
Application Publisher
The process begins when an Application Publisher creates a new application description and publishes it to a Murano endpoint. It will then be available within any application catalog instances defined by that Murano endpoint, depending on the policies for that instance.
Application Publishers should be able to create new application by defining service metadata, describing properties and specifying all the steps necessary for deploying the service and its dependencies. The developer can create this definition from scratch or use an existing definition by extending it, similar to inheritance in the object-oriented paradigm. The Application Publisher can define the external dependencies of the service. This list of dependencies defines the other services (specified by their type) that must be present in the environment when the given service is being deployed.
Consider this example. An Application Publisher creates a service that provides a web application. The developer provides the name and other service properties, and specifies that the external dependencies are a web server and a database. When users want to deploy this service in an environment, they need to have a web-server service and a database service in that environment, and must be able to specify how they want to fulfill those requirements. (See the End User use cases for more information.)
The Application Publisher may define additional terms of use for their Service. For example, the developer may limit its usage and extensibility (via inheritance or referencing from another service) or specify billing rules.
Another important set of parameters that the Application Publisher may specify in the Service Definition are the usage metrics. These usage metrics define which aspects of the service should be monitored by Ceilometer or other monitoring tools supported by Murano when its instances are running. The Application Publisher can then specify the billing rules used with those metrics, essentially defining how much usage of a service will cost the user.
[Note that this proposal is meant to define a project that provides billing information, but because different organizations have different needs, it doesn’t define actual payment methods; payment may be handled by an external component, or it may be addressed in future versions of Murano.]
A service definition is not bound to any particular OpenStack deployment or instance of Murano. The developer may create a service definition and then publish that definition in several service catalog instances, (as long as publishing is permitted by the administrator of that catalog (see below)).
Catalog Administrator
A published service definition is managed by the catalog administrator.
Catalog administrators are the maintainers of the application service catalog. They have the ability to manually add or remove service definitions in a catalog, or act as moderators allowing or disallowing other Application Publishers to publish their service definitions. This control can be granular or not, as the administrator chooses. For example, the administrator may specify that any new submissions must be approved before being available to any end users, or the administrator may instead choose to make services available only to the OpenStack tenant associated with the application publisher until a service is approved. The administrator can also decide to make all services available to all upon submission, as in the case of a test cloud, or a small cloud in which all developers are “trusted”.
Administrators may also define their own billing rules, which will be in addition to the billing rules specified by the application publisher (if they were defined). This enables catalog administrators to cover the costs involved in running and maintaining the cloud. For example, a service that requires Microsoft Windows may incur a licensing cost for the operating system; this mechanism enables the catalog administrator to recoup that cost.
Catalog administrators also configure Role-Based Access Control rules (RBAC), which define which end users (which are associated with tenants) of the cloud have access to which services in the catalog, and whether they may be directly deployed or must be approved before deployment (see End User use cases). The billing rules for a particular service may also be defined specifically for a given tenant or a given user.
End User
Finally the service is ready for the end user.
A user should be able to create environments composed of one or more available services. The process is as follows:
The user browses a list of available services and selects one or more for deployment. If a selected service has dependencies that require other services to be deployed in the same environment, the user may either select an instance of the necessary service from instances of that type that are already present in the environment, or add a new instance of that type instead. Dependencies may include other services, or they may include resources such as a floating IP address or license key. Each service added to the environment must be properly configured; the user is prompted to provide all required properties, and the input is validated according to the rules defined in each service definition. When the user has finished configuring the environment, he or she can deploy the environment -- if he or she has the appropriate permissions. (See below.) Deployment of the environment means that instances are created, services are deployed, and all required configuration actions take place.
In some environments, it will be more appropriate for end users to submit their deployments to IT as a ticket. The IT department can then sanity-check the definitions, determine whether they are appropriate, and approve, modify, or deny the deployment. If the request is approved or modified, the IT department can then initiate the deployment, rather than the user.
Users can browse any deployed environments for which they have permissions, and inspect their state. Inspection includes the ability to determine which services are running on which nodes, how the services are configured, and so on. Users can modify service settings, add new services or remove existing ones, validate the changes (i.e. check that all the required properties are set to valid values, all the service dependencies exist and so on), and redeploy the environment by propagating these changes into the Cloud. The user can also inspect the usage metrics of the services running in his or her environments, and see billable activities and the total amount of money spent for a particular service.
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