removing vmware debugger from visual studio

by Ross on 十月 14, 2010 at 5:30 下午 under Visual Studio | VMWare

A quick tip to anyone who's having trouble with removing the VMWare debugger("VMDebugger") from Visual Studio. Usually the first step is to run the uninstaller on VMWare and remove the debugger from the installed features. This doesn't work all the time though. You'll either have an issue saying the msi failed, or the installer may say "Rather than using the Modify/Change option through Add/Remove Programs, run the original VMWare Workstation installer again to modify this application".

The easiest way to do this is by renaming or removing the directory X:\installationpath\VMware\VMware Workstation\Visual Studio Integrated Debugger\

Next, start up Visual Studio and it should pop up an error message that it can't load up a plugin and if you want to remove it from the Add-In Manager permanently. Hit yes, and it should stop it from loading again. Shut down Visual Studio and relaunch it to see if the plugin's now removed. If ithe error message pops up again, you'll need to run VS in administrative mode, go through the error again, and then you should be set. Loading up in non-administrative mode won't load the plugin anymore either.


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