
Date: 2014-04-29
purpose: An implementation of MAP using binary search tree.
#define CUSTOMIZED_MAP_H #ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#endif class NODE{
NODE(int _key, char * _data):key(_key),data(_data),left(NULL),right(NULL){} public:
int key;
char * data;
NODE * left;
NODE * right;
}; class CUST_MAP{
CUST_MAP():root(NULL){}; // how about construction failed?
void destructorImp(NODE * root);
bool appendItem(int key, char * data);
bool removeItem(int key);
bool traverse();
bool traverseImp(NODE * root); public:
NODE * root;
}; #endif


 #include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "Customized_MAP.h" using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string; bool CUST_MAP::appendItem(int key, char * data){
enum Direction{LEFT, RIGHT}; //append which direction of the pended item
Direction direction = LEFT; //routine check.
NODE * root = this->root;
if (root == NULL){
this->root = new NODE(key, data);
if (this->root)
return true;
else return false;
} NODE * image = root;//record the history of root // find inserting point
while (root){
image = root;
if (root->key > key){
root = root->left;
direction = LEFT;
else if (root->key < key){
root = root->right;
direction = RIGHT;
else return false; // duplicated key==> abort appending operation
} // append the fresh node
NODE * newNode = new NODE(key, data);
if (direction == LEFT){
image->left = newNode;
}else if (direction == RIGHT){
image->right = newNode;
} return true;
} bool CUST_MAP::removeItem(int key){
enum Direction{LEFT, RIGHT}; //append which direction of the new item
Direction direction = LEFT; NODE * root = this->root;
if (root == NULL) // no node deleted. return false
return false; NODE * parent = NULL; while(root){
if (root->key > key){
parent = root;
root = root->left;
direction = LEFT;
else if (root->key < key){
parent = root;
root = root->right;
direction = RIGHT;
else if (root->key == key){
if (root->left && root->right){//要删除的节点有两个孩子节点
if (root->right->left == NULL){
//1:copy data, root->right ===> root.
//2: record pointer
//3: delete root->right
//4: finish pointer association
//how to delete root->data;
root->data = root->right->data;
root->key = root->right->key;
NODE * right = root->right->right; delete root->right; root->right = right;
//root: 要删除的节点
//找到root右孩子的 最左方没左孩子的节点: tParent
NODE * t = root->right;
NODE * tParent = NULL;
while (t->left){
tParent = t;
t = t->left;
root->key = t->key;
root->data = t->data;
NODE * right = t->right; delete t;
t = NULL; tParent->left = right;
} }else if (root->left){//要删除的节点只有左孩子节点
if (direction == LEFT)
parent->left = root->left;
else if(direction == RIGHT)
parent->right = root->left; delete root;
root = NULL;
}else if(root->right){//要删除的节点只有右孩子节点
if (direction == LEFT)
parent->left = root->right;
else if(direction == RIGHT)
parent->right = root->right; delete root;
root = NULL;
}else if (root->left==NULL && root->right==NULL){//要删除的节点没有孩子节点
if (direction == LEFT)
parent->left = NULL;
else if(direction == RIGHT)
parent->right = NULL; delete root;
root = NULL;
} return true;
} return false;
} void CUST_MAP::destructorImp(NODE * root){
if (root){
destructorImp(root->right); delete root;
root = NULL;
} bool CUST_MAP::traverseImp(NODE * root){
if (root){
} return true;
} bool CUST_MAP::traverse(){
traverseImp(root); return true;
} int main(){
CUST_MAP mapTest;
mapTest.appendItem(, "1 one");
mapTest.appendItem(, "28 twenty-eight");
mapTest.appendItem(, "16 sixteen");
mapTest.appendItem(, "12 twelf");
mapTest.appendItem(, "24 twety-four");
mapTest.appendItem(, "56 fifty-six");
mapTest.appendItem(, "36 thirty-six");
mapTest.appendItem(, "66 sixty-six");
mapTest.appendItem(, "46 fourty-six"); cout<<"New:"<<endl;
cout<<endl<<endl; mapTest.removeItem();
mapTest.traverse(); cout<<"over"<<endl; return ;




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