参考ffmpeg avc.c写的从文件中一帧帧读取h.264数据的demo
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h> char* filebuf_;
const char* pbuf_;
int filesize_;
unsigned char is_stop_; const char* AVCFindStartCodeInternal(const char *p, const char *end)
const char *a = p + - ((ptrdiff_t)p & ); for (end -= ; p < a && p < end; p++) {
if (p[] == && p[] == && p[] == )
return p;
} for (end -= ; p < end; p += ) {
unsigned int x = *(const unsigned int*)p;
// if ((x - 0x01000100) & (~x) & 0x80008000) // little endian
// if ((x - 0x00010001) & (~x) & 0x00800080) // big endian
if ((x - 0x01010101) & (~x) & 0x80808080) { // generic
if (p[] == ) {
if (p[] == && p[] == )
return p;
if (p[] == && p[] == )
return p + ;
if (p[] == ) {
if (p[] == && p[] == )
return p + ;
if (p[] == && p[] == )
return p + ;
} for (end += ; p < end; p++) {
if (p[] == && p[] == && p[] == )
return p;
} return end + ;
} const char* AVCFindStartCode(const char *p, const char *end)
const char *out = AVCFindStartCodeInternal(p, end);
if (p<out && out<end && !out[-]) out--;
return out;
} H264FrameReader_Init(const char* filename)
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
filebuf_ = ;
filesize_ = ; if (fp)
int retval = ;
fseek(fp, , SEEK_END);
filesize_ = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, , SEEK_SET); filebuf_ = (char*)malloc(filesize_);
retval = fread(filebuf_, , filesize_, fp); fclose(fp);
pbuf_ = filebuf_;
} H264FrameReader_Free()
} H264FrameReader_ReadFrame(char* outBuf, int* outBufSize)
char* pbufout = ;
const char *p = ;
const char *end = ;
const char *nal_start, *nal_end; char startcodebuf[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 };
if (pbuf_ >= filebuf_ + filesize_)
return ;
} pbufout = outBuf;
p = pbuf_;
end = filebuf_ + filesize_; nal_start = AVCFindStartCode(p, end);
while (nal_start < end)
unsigned int nal_size = ;
unsigned char nal_type = ; while (!*(nal_start++)); nal_end = AVCFindStartCode(nal_start, end); nal_size = nal_end - nal_start;
nal_type = nal_start[] & 0x1f; memcpy(pbufout, startcodebuf, );
pbufout += ;
memcpy(pbufout, nal_start, nal_size);
pbufout += nal_size; nal_start = nal_end;
} *outBufSize = pbufout - outBuf;
pbuf_ = nal_start; return ;
} int main(int argc, char **argv)
unsigned long max_size = * ;
int tmpbuf_len = ;
int current_read_len = ;
char* tmpbuf = (char*)malloc(max_size * ); FILE *fp = fopen("out.h264", "wb+");
if (!fp)
printf("open file error\n");
return -;
} H264FrameReader_Init("test.h264");
printf("file size = %d\n", filesize_);
while (current_read_len < filesize_)
if (H264FrameReader_ReadFrame(tmpbuf, &tmpbuf_len))
printf("tmpbuf_len = %d\n", tmpbuf_len);
fwrite(tmpbuf, tmpbuf_len, , fp);
current_read_len += tmpbuf_len;
H264FrameReader_Free(); return ;
从planar yuv420 文件中读取每一帧数据,从nvenc demo中参考来的,原理如下
int loadframe(uint8_t *yuvInput[], FILE *hInputYUVFile, uint32_t frmIdx, uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
uint64_t fileOffset;
uint32_t result;
uint32_t dwInFrameSize = ;
int anFrameSize[] = {}; dwInFrameSize = width * height * / ;
anFrameSize[] = width * height;
anFrameSize[] = anFrameSize[] = width * height / ; //当前帧在文件中的偏移量:当前index * 每一帧的大小
fileOffset = (uint64_t)dwInFrameSize * frmIdx;
result = _fseeki64(hInputYUVFile, fileOffset, SEEK_SET);
if (result == -)
return -;
fread(yuvInput[], anFrameSize[], , hInputYUVFile);
fread(yuvInput[], anFrameSize[], , hInputYUVFile);
fread(yuvInput[], anFrameSize[], , hInputYUVFile); return ;
} int main()
{ infp = fopen("yb.yuv", "rb");
if (!infp)
printf("open in file failed\n");
return -;
} uint8_t *yuv[];
int lumaPlaneSize, chromaPlaneSize; lumaPlaneSize = * ;
chromaPlaneSize = lumaPlaneSize >> ; yuv[] = new uint8_t[lumaPlaneSize];
yuv[] = new uint8_t[chromaPlaneSize];
yuv[] = new uint8_t[chromaPlaneSize];
memset(yuv[], , lumaPlaneSize);
memset(yuv[], , chromaPlaneSize);
memset(yuv[], , chromaPlaneSize); uint64_t file_size = ; _fseeki64(infp, , SEEK_END);
file_size = _ftelli64(infp);
_fseeki64(infp, , SEEK_SET);
int totalFrames = file_size / (lumaPlaneSize + chromaPlaneSize + chromaPlaneSize); //遍历每一帧YUV数据
for (int frm = ; frm < totalFrames; frm++)
loadframe(yuv, infp, frm, , );
} return ;
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