ios frame,bound和center

Although you can change the frame
, bounds
, and center
properties independent of the others, changes to one property affect the others in the following ways:
When you set the
property, the size value in thebounds
property changes to match the new size of the frame rectangle. The value in thecenter
property similarly changes to match the new center point of the frame rectangle.When you set the
property, the origin value in theframe
changes accordingly.When you set the size of the
property, the size value in theframe
property changes to match the new size of the bounds rectangle.
By default, a view’s frame is not clipped to its superview’s frame. Thus, any subviews that lie outside of their superview’s frame are rendered in their entirety. You can change this behavior, though, by setting the superview’s clipsToBounds
property to YES
. Regardless of whether or not subviews are clipped visually, touch events always respect the bounds rectangle of the target view’s superview. In other words, touch events occurring in a part of a view that lies outside of its superview’s bounds rectangle are not delivered to that view.
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