
Troubleshooting Guide


If Kolla fails, often it is caused by a CTRL-C during the deployment process or a problem in the globals.yml configuration.

To correct the problem where Operators have a misconfigured environment,
the Kolla community has added a precheck feature which ensures the deployment targets are in a state where Kolla may deploy to them.
To run the prechecks, execute:
kolla-ansible prechecks

If a failure during deployment occurs it nearly always occurs during evaluation of the software.
Once the Operator learns the few configuration options required, it is highly unlikely they will experience a failure in deployment.
如果在部署期间发生故障,则几乎总是在评估软件期间发生。 一旦操作人员了解到所需的少数配置选项,他们就不太可能遇到部署失败。

Deployment may be run as many times as desired, but if a failure in a bootstrap task occurs,
a further deploy action will not correct the problem.
In this scenario, Kolla’s behavior is undefined.

The fastest way during to recover from a deployment failure is to remove the failed deployment:
kolla-ansible destroy -i <<inventory-file>>
--inventory, -i <inventory_path> Specify path to ansible inventory file(指定all-in-one或者multinode文件所在的目录)
Destroy Kolla containers, volumes and host configuration
(--include-images to also destroy Kolla images)使用该参数使用需要使用如下形式:
kolla-ansible destroy --include-images --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

Any time the tags of a release change, it is possible that the container implementation from older versions won’t match the Ansible playbooks in a new version.
If running multinode from a registry, each node’s Docker image cache must be refreshed with the latest images before a new deployment can occur.
任何时候版本标签发生变化,旧版本的容器实现可能与新版本中的Ansible playbooks不匹配。
To refresh the docker cache from the local Docker registry:
kolla-ansible pull

2、Debugging Kolla(调试kolla)

The status of containers after deployment can be determined on the deployment targets by executing:
docker ps -a

The logs can be examined by executing:
docker exec -it heka bash

The logs from all services in all containers may be read from /var/log/kolla/SERVICE_NAME
If the stdout logs are needed, please run:
docker logs <container-name>

Note that most of the containers don’t log to stdout so the above command will provide no information.
When enable_central_logging is enabled, to view the logs in a web browser using Kibana, go to:
http://<kolla_internal_vip_address>:<kibana_server_port> 或者http://<kolla_external_vip_address>:<kibana_server_port>

The values <kolla_internal_vip_address>, <kolla_external_vip_address> <kibana_server_port> and <kibana_user> can be found in <kolla_install_path>/kolla/ansible/group_vars/all.yml or if the default values are overridden, in /etc/kolla/globals.yml. The value of <kibana_password> can be found in /etc/kolla/passwords.yml.
可以在<kolla_install_path> /kolla/ansible/group_vars/all.yml中找到值<kolla_internal_vip_address>,<kolla_external_vip_address> <kibana_server_port>和<kibana_user>,或者在/etc/kolla/globals.yml中覆盖默认值。。 <kibana_password>的值可以在/etc/kolla/passwords.yml中找到。

Note When you log in to Kibana web interface for the first time, you are prompted to create an index.
Please create an index using the name log-*.
This step is necessary until the default Kibana dashboard is implemented in Kolla.
注意首次登录Kibana Web界面时,系统会提示您创建索引。 请使用名称log- *创建索引。 在Kolla中实施默认Kibana仪表板之前,此步骤是必需的。

3、进入cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/目录下,查看各个服务的日志记录



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