problemCode=3886">ZOJ 3886



全部不大于x且与x互质的数成等差数列,如x = 5 ,与5互素且不大于5的数1,2,3,4成等差数列。则5是一个NicoNico数。


1.南小鸟询问[L, R]内有多少个NicoNico数;

2.果皇把[L, R]内的数全部对v取余;

















* @author FreeWifi_novicer
* language : C++/C
#include<queue> using namespace std; #define clr( x , y ) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))
#define cls( x ) memset(x,0,sizeof(x))
#define mp make_pair
#define pb push_back
#define lson l , mid , root << 1
#define rson mid + 1 , r , root << 1 | 1
typedef long long lint;
typedef long long ll;
typedef long long LL; const int maxNico = 1e7 + 500 ;
const int maxHonoka = 1e5 + 7 ;
int Honoka_max[10 * maxHonoka] ;
int Honoka_sum[10 * maxHonoka] ;
bool Nico_prime[maxNico];
map<int , int> NicoNicoNi; /* にっこにっこにー☆あなたのハートににこにこにー 笑颜届ける矢澤にこにこー にこにーって覚えてラブにこー */ void init(){
NicoNicoNi[0] = NicoNicoNi[6] = 1;
for( int i = 0 ; i <= 31 ; i++ ){
NicoNicoNi[( 1 << i )] = 1;
cls( Nico_prime );
for( int i = 2 ; i * i <= maxNico ; i++ ){
if( !Nico_prime[i] )
for( int j = i * i ; j <= maxNico ; j+=i )
Nico_prime[j] = 1;
for( int i = 2 ; i <= maxNico ; i++ )
if( !Nico_prime[i] ) NicoNicoNi[i] = 1;
} void push_Yazawa( int root ){
Honoka_max[root] = max( Honoka_max[ root << 1 ] , Honoka_max[ root << 1 | 1 ] );
Honoka_sum[root] = Honoka_sum[ root << 1 ] + Honoka_sum[ root << 1 | 1 ] ;
} void build_Kotori( int l , int r , int root ){
if( l == r ){
scanf( "%d" , &Honoka_max[root] ); if( NicoNicoNi[Honoka_max[root]] )
Honoka_sum[root] = 1;
Honoka_sum[root] = 0;
return ;
int mid = ( l + r ) / 2 ;
build_Kotori( lson );
build_Kotori( rson );
push_Yazawa( root );
} void Honoka1( int ql , int qr , int x , int l , int r , int root ){ if( qr < l || ql > r )
return ;
if( Honoka_max[root] < x)
return ; if( l == r ){
Honoka_max[root] %= x ; if( NicoNicoNi[Honoka_max[root]] )
Honoka_sum[root] = 1;
Honoka_sum[root] = 0; return ;
} int mid = ( l + r ) / 2 ;
Honoka1( ql , qr , x , lson );
Honoka1( ql , qr , x , rson );
push_Yazawa( root );
} void Honoka2( int pos , int x , int l , int r , int root ){ if( l == pos && r == pos ){
Honoka_max[root] = x ;
if( NicoNicoNi[x] )
Honoka_sum[root] = 1;
Honoka_sum[root] = 0;
return ;
} int mid = ( l + r ) / 2 ;
if( mid >= pos )
Honoka2( pos , x , lson );
Honoka2( pos , x , rson );
push_Yazawa( root );
} int Kotori( int ql , int qr , int l , int r , int root ){ if( ql > r || qr < l )
return 0 ;
if( ql <= l && qr >= r )
return Honoka_sum[root]; int res = 0 ;
int mid = ( l + r ) / 2 ;
if( ql <= mid )
res += Kotori( ql , qr , lson ) ;
if( qr > mid )
res += Kotori( ql , qr , rson ) ;
return res;
int main(){
int n ;
while( cin >> n ){
build_Kotori( 1 , n , 1 ) ;
int m ;
cin >> m ;
for( int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i++ ){
int num ;
scanf( "%d" , &num );
if( num == 1 ){
int left , right ;
scanf( "%d%d" , &left , &right ) ;
printf( "%d\n" , Kotori( left , right , 1 , n , 1 ));
else if( num == 2 ){
int left , right , mod ;
scanf( "%d%d%d" , &left , &right , &mod ) ;
Honoka1( left , right , mod , 1 , n , 1 ) ;
else if( num == 3 ){
int pos , x ;
scanf( "%d%d" , &pos , &x ) ;
Honoka2( pos , x , 1 , n , 1 ) ;
return 0;

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