GRASP原则六: 多态 Polymorphism
   How to handle alternative behaviors based on type 如何处理依据类型不同而有 不同行为的一类需求 ?

     比如,开餐馆

       苏州人喜欢甜、四川人喜欢麻、湖南人喜欢辣,咋处理 ?
1.1 9条GRASP原则

   Information Expert

     responsibilities should be assigned to objects that contain relevant information

   Creator

     the creator of an object is usually an object that contains, or aggregates it

   High Cohesion

     responsibilities of a certain class must be highly related

   Low Coupling

     interdependency between classes should remain low

   Controller

     class which handles external system events

   Polymorphism 多态原则

   Indirection 间接原则

   Pure Fabrication 纯虚构原则

   Protected Variations 隔离变化
1.2 Iteration 2 More Requirement

   第一次迭代结束时,完成了

     当前软件功能测试:单元测试、用户可接受测试、负载测试、可使用性测试等

     必须有客户加入,并给出反馈 Customers engaged in and feedback

     把基线稳定下来,发布内部版本 stabilized baseline internal release

   第二次迭代时,要考虑加入新的功能

     需求变化、业务规则细化、考虑更多的用例

     制定本次迭代的计划活动等

     Ex, Monopoly game

       When a player lands on the Go square, the player receives $200

       When a player lands on the Go-To-Jail square, they move to the Jail square

       When a player lands on the Income-Tax square, the player pays the minimum of $200 or 10%

        of their worth
1.2 Iteration 2 More Requirement

   例如POS系统,第二次迭代时增加另外的需求

     支持多种第三方服务的接口 Support for variations in third-party external services

       计算税费、信用卡授权认证等

     复杂的定价机制 Complex pricing rules

     可插拔的业务规则 Pluggable business rules

     GUI窗口在信息发生变化时得到更新 GUI window updates when information changes

   这些功能点,可能属于前轮迭代同样的用例,但更多的是讨论非功能性需求

   这些需求对领域模型的影响较小

   同样一项功能,原来一种处理方法就可以,现在需要适应多种处理方法,设 计方案该如何支持?

     比如付费:现金、储蓄卡、信用卡、支付宝、微信
1.3 GRASP rule6: Polymorphism(多态)

   Name: Polymorphism(多态)

   Problem:

     如何处理依据类型不同而有不同行为的一类需求?

    How to handle alternative behaviors based on type?

    How to create pluggable software components?

   Solution:

     使用多态操作为依据类型变化的行为 进行职责分配

      When related alternatives or behaviors vary by type (class), assign responsibility for the

      behavior using polymorphic operations to the types for which the behavior varies

   Corollary(推论):

     不要去测试对象的类型或者条件逻辑,并以此选择相应的行为

      Do not test for the type of an object and use conditional logic to perform varying alternatives

      based on type

     即,不要使用条件逻辑,而是为不同的类定义相同名字的方法

      That is, don’t use conditional logic, but assign the same name to services (methods) in

      different classes

     不同的类实现了相同的接口、或者有一个共同的父类(继承)The different classes usually

      implement a common interface or are related in an implementation hierarchy with a

      common superclass

7.6 GRASP原则六: 多态 Polymorphism的更多相关文章

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