ASP.NET Boilerplate provides background jobs and workers those are used to execute some tasks in background threads in an application.
Background Jobs
Background jobs are used to queue some tasks to be executed in background in a queued and persistent manner. You may need background jobs for several reasons. Some examples:
- To perform long-running tasks to not wait users. For example; A user presses a 'report' button to start a long running reporting job. You add this job to the queue and send report result to your user via email when it's completed.
- To create re-trying and persistent tasks to guarantee a code will be successfully executed. For example; You can send emails in a background job to overcome temporary failures and guarantie that it's eventually will be sent. Also, thus, users do not wait while sending emails.
About Job Persistence
See Background Job Store section for more information on job persistence.
Create a Background Job
We can create a background job class by either inheriting from BackgroundJob<TArgs> class or directly implementing IBackgroundJob<TArgs> interface.
我们可以通过继承backgroundjob <tags>类或直接实现ibackgroundjob <tags>接口创建一个后台作业类。
Here is the most simple background job:
public class TestJob : BackgroundJob<int>, ITransientDependency
public override void Execute(int number)
A background job defines an Execute method gets an input argument. Argument type is defined as generic class parameter as shown in the example.
A background job must be registered to dependency injection. Implementing ITransientDependency is the simplest way.
Lest's define a more realistic job which sends emails in a background queue:
public class SimpleSendEmailJob : BackgroundJob<SimpleSendEmailJobArgs>, ITransientDependency
private readonly IRepository<User, long> _userRepository;
private readonly IEmailSender _emailSender; public SimpleSendEmailJob(IRepository<User, long> userRepository, IEmailSender emailSender)
_userRepository = userRepository;
_emailSender = emailSender;
} [UnitOfWork]
public override void Execute(SimpleSendEmailJobArgs args)
var senderUser = _userRepository.Get(args.SenderUserId);
var targetUser = _userRepository.Get(args.TargetUserId); _emailSender.Send(senderUser.EmailAddress, targetUser.EmailAddress, args.Subject, args.Body);
We injected user repository (to get user emails) and email sender (a service to send emails) and simply sent the email. SimpleSendEmailJobArgs is the job argument here and defined as shown below:
public class SimpleSendEmailJobArgs
public long SenderUserId { get; set; } public long TargetUserId { get; set; } public string Subject { get; set; } public string Body { get; set; }
A job argument should be serializable, because it's serialized and stored in the database. While ASP.NET Boilerplate default background job manager uses JSON serialization (which does not need [Serializable] attribute), it's better to define [Serializable] attribute since we may switch to another job manager in the future, which may use .NET's built-in binary serialization.
Keep your arguments simple (like DTOs), do not include entities or other non serializable objects. As shown in the SimpleSendEmailJob sample, we can only store Id of an entity and get the entity from repository inside the job.
工作应该是可序列化的,因为它是序列化并存储在数据库中。而ASP.NET样板默认背景工作经理使用JSON序列化(不需要序列化属性[ ]),它的更好的定义[ ]属性序列化因为我们可以切换到另一个工作的经理在未来,可以使用.NET内置的二进制序列化。
Add a New Job To the Queue
After defining a background job, we can inject and use IBackgroundJobManager to add a job to the queue. See a sample for TestJob defined above:
public class MyService
private readonly IBackgroundJobManager _backgroundJobManager; public MyService(IBackgroundJobManager backgroundJobManager)
_backgroundJobManager = backgroundJobManager;
} public void Test()
_backgroundJobManager.Enqueue<TestJob, int>(42);
We sent 42 as argument while enqueuing. IBackgroundJobManager will instantiate and execute the TestJob with 42 as argument.
Let's see to add a new job for SimpleSendEmailJob defined above:
public class MyEmailAppService : ApplicationService, IMyEmailAppService
private readonly IBackgroundJobManager _backgroundJobManager; public MyEmailAppService(IBackgroundJobManager backgroundJobManager)
_backgroundJobManager = backgroundJobManager;
} public async Task SendEmail(SendEmailInput input)
await _backgroundJobManager.EnqueueAsync<SimpleSendEmailJob, SimpleSendEmailJobArgs>(
new SimpleSendEmailJobArgs
Subject = input.Subject,
Body = input.Body,
SenderUserId = AbpSession.GetUserId(),
TargetUserId = input.TargetUserId
Enqueu (or EnqueueAsync) method has other parameters such as priority and delay.
Default Background Job Manager
IBackgroundJobManager is implemented by BackgroundJobManager default. It can be replaced by another background job provider (see hangfire integration). Some information on default BackgroundJobManager:
- It's a simple job queue works as FIFO in a single thread. It uses IBackgroundJobStore to persist jobs (see next section).
- It retries job execution until job successfully runs (does not throw any exception but logs them) or timeouts. Default timeout is 2 days for a job.
- It deletes a job from store (database) when it's successfully executed. If it's timed out, sets as abandoned and leaves on the database.
- It increasingly waits between retries for a job. Waits 1 minute for first retry, 2 minutes for second retry, 4 minutes for third retry and so on..
- It polls the store for jobs in fixed intervals. Queries jobs ordering by priority (asc) then by try count (asc).
Background Job Store
Default BackgroundJobManager needs a data store to save and get jobs. If you do not implement IBackgroundJobStore then it uses InMemoryBackgroundJobStore which does not save jobs in a persistent database. You can simply implement it to store jobs in a database or you can use module-zero which already implements it.
If you are using a 3rd party job manager (like Hanfgire), no need to implement IBackgroundJobStore.
You can use Configuration.BackgroundJobs in PreInitialize method of your module to configure background job system.
Disabling Job Execution(禁止任务执行)
You may want to disable background job execution for your application:
public class MyProjectWebModule : AbpModule
public override void PreInitialize()
Configuration.BackgroundJobs.IsJobExecutionEnabled = false;
} //...
This is rarely needed. But, think that you are running multiple instances of your application working on the same database (in a web farm). In this case, each application will query same database for jobs and executes them. This leads multiple execution of same jobs and some other problems. To prevent it, you have two options:
- You can enable job execution for only one instance of the application.
- You can disable job execution for all instances of the web application and create a seperated standalone application (example: a Windows Service) that executes background jobs.
Exception Handling(异常处理)
Since default background job manager should re-try failed jobs, it handles (and logs) all exceptions. In case you want to be informed when an exception occurred, you can create an event handler to handleAbpHandledExceptionData. Background manager triggers this event with a BackgroundJobException exception object which wraps the real exception (get InnerException for the actual exception).
Hangfire Integration(迟发性整合)
Background job manager is designed as replaceable by another background job manager. See hangfire integration document to replace it by Hangfire.
Background Workers
Background workers are different than background jobs. They are simple independent threads in the application running in the background. Generally, they run periodically to perform some tasks. Examples;
- A background worker can run periodically to delete old logs.
- A background worker can periodically to determine inactive users and send emails to return back to your application.
Create a Background Worker
To create a background worker, we should implement IBackgroundWorker interface. Alternatively, we can inherit from BackgroundWorkerBase or PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase based on our needs.
Assume that we want to make a user passive, if he did not login to the application in last 30 days. See the code:
public class MakeInactiveUsersPassiveWorker : PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase, ISingletonDependency
private readonly IRepository<User, long> _userRepository; public MakeInactiveUsersPassiveWorker(AbpTimer timer, IRepository<User, long> userRepository)
: base(timer)
_userRepository = userRepository;
Timer.Period = 5000; //5 seconds (good for tests, but normally will be more)
} [UnitOfWork]
protected override void DoWork()
using (CurrentUnitOfWork.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
var oneMonthAgo = Clock.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(30)); var inactiveUsers = _userRepository.GetAllList(u =>
u.IsActive &&
((u.LastLoginTime < oneMonthAgo && u.LastLoginTime != null) || (u.CreationTime < oneMonthAgo && u.LastLoginTime == null))
); foreach (var inactiveUser in inactiveUsers)
inactiveUser.IsActive = false;
Logger.Info(inactiveUser + " made passive since he/she did not login in last 30 days.");
} CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChanges();
This is a real code and directly works in ASP.NET Boilerplate with module-zero.
- If you derive from PeriodicBackgroundWorkerBase (as in this sample), you should implement DoWork method to perform your periodic working code.
- If you derive from BackgroundWorkerBase or directly implement IBackgroundWorker, you will override/implement Start, Stop and WaitToStop methods. Start and Stop methods should be non-blocking, WaitToStop method should wait worker to finish it's current critical job.
Register Background Workers
After creating a background worker, we should add it to IBackgroundWorkerManager. Most common place is the PostInitialize method of your module:
public class MyProjectWebModule : AbpModule
//... public override void PostInitialize()
var workManager = IocManager.Resolve<IBackgroundWorkerManager>();
While we generally add workers in PostInitialize, there is no restriction on that. You can inject IBackgroundWorkerManager anywhere and add workers on runtime. IBackgroundWorkerManager will stop and release all registered workers when your applications is being shutdown.
Background Worker Lifestyles
Background workers are generally implemented as singleton. But there is no restriction. If you need multiple instance of same worker class, you can make it transient and add more than one instance to IBackgroundWorkerManager. In this case, your worker probably will be parametric (say that you have a single LogCleaner class but two LogCleaner worker instances they watch and clear different log folders).
Advanced Scheduling(先进的调度)
ASP.NET Boilerplate's background worker system are simple. It has not a schedule system, except periodic running workers as demonstrated above. If you need to more advanced scheduling features, we suggest you to checkQuartz or another library.
Making Your Application Always Running
Background jobs and workers only works if your application is running. An ASP.NET application shutdowns by default if no request is performed to the web application for a long time. So, if you host background job execution in your web application (this is the default behaviour), you should ensure that your web application is configured to always running. Otherwise, background jobs only works while your applications is in use.
There are some techniques to accomplish that. Most simple way is to make periodic requests to your web application from an external application. Thus, you can also check if your web application is up and running. Hangfire documentation explains some other ways.
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