Cubic Range Error Model for Stereo Vision with Illuminators



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Marius Huber, Timo Hinzmann, Roland Siegwart, and Larry H. Matthies

Abstract—Use of low-cost depth sensors, such as a stereo camera setup with illuminators, is of particular interest for numerous applications ranging from robotics and transporta- tion to mixed and augmented reality. The ability to quantify noise is crucial for these applications, e.g., when the sensor is used for map generation or to develop a sensor scheduling policy in a multi-sensor setup. Range error models provide uncertainty estimates and help weigh the data correctly in instances where range measurements are taken from different vantage points or with different sensors. Such a model is derived in this work. We show that the range error for stereo systems with integrated illuminators is cubic and validate the proposed model experimentally with an off-the-shelf structured light stereo system. The experiments confirm the validity of the model and simplify the application of this type of sensor in robotics.

使用低成本的深度传感器,例如带有照明器的双目摄像机,对于从机器人和运输到混合和增强现实的众多应用特别青睐。量化噪声的能力对于这些应用是至关重要的,例如,当传感器用于地图生成或在多传感器设置中开发传感器调度策略时。范围误差模型提供不确定性估计,并在从不同有利位置或使用不同传感器进行距离测量的情况下帮助正确衡量数据。这种模型是在这项工作中得出的。 我们表明,带有集成照明器的双目系统的距离误差是立方的,并通过现成的结构光双目系统实验验证了所提出的模型。实验证实了该模型的有效性,并简化了此类传感器在机器人中的应用。

在这项工作中,我们将无源双目系统的距离误差模型扩展到带有照明器的有源双目系统。 这种系统的示例包括具有前灯的夜间双目和结构光双目。 据我们所知,我们是第一个证明两个双目设置的范围误差特性之间的差异的人。

所提出的误差模型基于不同光强度下的散粒噪声的泊松特征。 它表明,对于无源双目系统,范围误差在范围内是二次的,但对于有源双目系统而言是范围误差。 使用现成的结构光双目系统进行的实验验证表明,有源双目的指数在2.4和2.6之间。 偏差归因于我们的模型仅考虑散粒噪声。

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