grep [options] [pattern] [file]
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ cat -n ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu
how are you
fine think you
My name is Ghostwu
what's your name?
my name is ghostwu2 ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu
my name is ghostwu2
2,-v: 不包含,相当于取反
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -v "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
how are you
fine think you
My name is Ghostwu
what's your name? ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$
3,-n 添加行号
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -n "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
:my name is ghostwu
:my name is ghostwu2
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -vn "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
:how are you
:fine think you
:My name is Ghostwu
:what's your name?
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ cat ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu
how are you
fine think you
My name is Ghostwu
what's your name?
my name is ghostwu2 ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -E "my|your" ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu
what's your name?
my name is ghostwu2
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -Ev "my|your" ghostwu.txt
how are you
fine think you
My name is Ghostwu ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -En "my|your" ghostwu.txt
:my name is ghostwu
:what's your name?
:my name is ghostwu2
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu
my name is ghostwu2
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -i "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu
My name is Ghostwu
my name is ghostwu2
6,-c :统计匹配的行数,不是匹配字符串的次数
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -c "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -ci "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -c "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu, nice to meet you,ghostwu
my name is ghostwu2
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ cat -n ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu, nice to meet you,ghostwu
how are you
fine think you
My name is Ghostwu
what's your name?
my name is ghostwu2
7,-o: 只输出匹配到的字符串
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -o "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -oi "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
8,-w: 只匹配过滤的单词,类似于精确匹配
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -w "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu, nice to meet you,ghostwu
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -wi "ghostwu" ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu, nice to meet you,ghostwu
My name is Ghostwu
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ cat -n ghostwu.txt
my name is ghostwu, nice to meet you,ghostwu
how are you
fine think you
My name is Ghostwu
what's your name?
my name is ghostwu2
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ grep -Ev "^$|#" ghostwu.php
class Person {
public $name = 'ghostwu';
public $age = ;
public function showinfo(){
echo $this->name . PHP_EOL;
echo $this->age. PHP_EOL;
ghostwu@dev:~/linux/grep$ cat -n ghostwu.php
<?php class Person { #人名
public $name = 'ghostwu'; #年龄
public $age = ; #显示信息
public function showinfo(){
echo $this->name . PHP_EOL;
echo $this->age. PHP_EOL;
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