Select PeopleTools, Utilities, Debug, Trace SQL to access the Trace SQL page.

You use this page to change the SQL tracing options while you're online. Your Configuration Manager settings are not affected:

Trace SQL Statement

Select to show the SQL statement.

Trace SQL Bind

Select to show bind values for SQL statements that have parameter markers.

Trace SQL Cursor

Select to show connect, disconnect, commit and rollback calls.

Trace SQL Fetch

Select to show fetch call for Select Statement.


Select to show other API calls (Execute, Describe, and so on.)

Trace SQL Set Select Buffer

Select to show Binds for Select columns.

Trace SQL -- Database Level

Select to specify low-level tracing at the database API (ODBC, ct-lib, and so on.)

Trace SQL -- Manager Level

Select to show calls for Cache calls.

The check boxes on the Trace SQL page correspond to options on the Trace tab in the Configuration Manager. However, the selections that appear on this page do not necessarily reflect those that are made in the Configuration Manager. The displayed page selections are not enabled until you save the page.

To enable or disable SQL tracing while online:

  1. Select or deselect the desired trace options.

  2. Save the page.

    If you select any of the check boxes, the system starts writing to the trace file.

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