例题6-10 The Falling Leaves,UVA699
- 同一树,根节点地址不变,却多次使用
- 同一映射,不经清空却多次添加
- 遍历时在队列和栈中添加进的节点不是当前节点(即写错节点名称)
- 栈溢出导致结果出错
- 对一个节点分配内存只能在同一函数中进行 //否则需要添加指针引用(*指针也需要引用)
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <queue>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <map>
- #include <stack>
- using namespace std;
- struct Node{
- Node *left;
- Node *right;
- int v;
- int k;
- Node():left(NULL),right(NULL){}
- };
- map<int,int> m;
- void remove_tree(Node* u){
- if(u==NULL)return ;
- remove_tree(u->left);
- remove_tree(u->right);
- delete u;
- }
- int solve(Node *& u){//特别注意这一段
- int v;
- scanf("%d", &v);
- if(v == -){ u->v=;return ;}
- else {
- u->left = new Node();
- u->right = new Node();
- u->v = v;
- solve(u->left);//左子树
- solve(u->right);//右子树
- }
- return ;
- }
- queue<Node*> q;
- //宽度优先遍历
- void bfs(Node * u){
- u->k=;
- q.push(u);
- while(!q.empty()){
- Node * node =q.front();
- q.pop();
- if(node->v)m[node->k] = m[node->k]+(node->v);
- if(node->left!=NULL&&node->left->v){node->left->k = (node->k)-;; q.push(node->left);}
- if(node->right!=NULL&&node->right->v){node->right->k = (node->k )+ ; q.push(node->right);}
- }
- }
- stack<Node*> s;
- //深度优先遍历:stl栈板
- void dfs1(Node* u,int k){
- u->k=k;
- s.push(u);
- while(!s.empty()){
- Node *node=s.top();
- s.pop();
- if(node->left!=NULL&&node->left->v){node->left->k=(node->k)-;s.push(node->left);}
- if(node->v)m[node->k] = m[node->k]+(node->v);
- if(node->right!=NULL&&node->right->v){node->right->k=(node->k)+;s.push(node->right);}
- }
- }
- //深度优先遍历:递归版
- void dfs(Node* u,int k){
- // printf("%d ,%d\n",u->v,k);
- if(u->v)m[k] = m[k]+(u->v);
- if(u->left!=NULL&&u->left->v)dfs(u->left,k-);
- if(u->right!=NULL&&u->right->v)dfs(u->right,k+);
- }
- int main(){
- #ifdef DEBUG
- freopen("6.10.in","r",stdin);
- freopen("6.10.out","w",stdout);
- #endif
- int n = ,r;
- Node *root=new Node() ;
- while((r=solve(root))){
- printf("Case %d:\n",++n);
- bfs(root);
- //*****************注意在一个树使用完毕之后一定要删除它
- remove_tree(root);
- root=new Node();//注意要重新建一个根节点
- int first=;
- for(map<int,int>::iterator it = m.begin(); it!= m.end(); ++it){
- if(!first)cout<<" ";else first=;
- cout <<it->second;
- }
- m.clear();//使用完之后要清空
- printf("\n");
- if(r)printf("\n");
- else break;
- }
- return ;
- }
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