fastboot 教程
fastboot命令实例:sudo fastboot flash kernel path-to-kernel/uImage
烧写rootfs类似:sudo fastboot flash system path-to-system/system.img
- 开机启动画面区(splash1)
- 数据恢复区(recovery)
- 内核区(boot)
- 系统区(system)
- 数据缓存区(cache)
- 用户数据区(userdata)
4.1 查看fastboot命令的帮助
usage: fastboot [ <option> ] <command> commands:
update <filename> reflash device from
flashall flash boot + recovery + system
flash <partition> [ <filename> ] write a file to a flash partition
erase <partition> erase a flash partition
getvar <variable> display a bootloader variable
boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ] download and boot kernel
flash:raw boot <kernel> [ <ramdisk> ] create bootimage and flash it
devices list all connected devices
reboot reboot device normally
reboot-bootloader reboot device into bootloader options:
-w erase userdata and cache
-s <serial number> specify device serial number
-p <product> specify product name
-c <cmdline> override kernel commandline
-i <vendor id> specify a custom USB vendor id
-b <base_addr> specify a custom kernel base address
-n <page size> specify the nand page size. default: 2048
4.2 擦除分区:fastboot erase <partition>
$ sudo fastboot erase boot xx/boot.img
$ sudo fastboot erase system xx/system.img
$ sudo fastboot erase userdata xx/userdata.img
$ sudo fastboot erase cache xx/cache.img
4.3 烧写指定分区:fastboot flash <partition> [*.img]
$ sudo fastboot flash boot path-to-kernel/boot.img
$ sudo fastboot flash zimage path-to-kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage
$ sudo fastboot flash system path-to-system/system.img
$ sudo fastboot flash splash1 开机画面
4.4 烧写所有分区:fastboot flashall
$ sudo fastboot flashall
4.5 一次烧写boot,system,recovery分区:fastboot update <*.zip>
$ sudo fastboot update
4.6 重启手机
$ sudo fastboot reboot
4.7 以指定的img或bin 启动系统,通常用于调试
In addition to flashing the eMMC, Fastboot can also be used to boot from files already flashed to the eMMC. To do, so start Fastboot on the target, and then run a command on the host PC, for example to boot the u-boot:
$ sudo fastboot boot u-boot.bin
4.8 更新eMMC分区
Regions in eMMC are given names. Their offsets and sizes are set in u-boot in the mmc.c file of the board directory that you are using. For example, for the Blaze, this file is u-boot/board/omap4430sdp/mmc.c:
static struct partition partitions[] = {
{ "-", },
{ "xloader", },
{ "bootloader", },
/* "misc" partition is required for recovery */
{ "misc", },
{ "-", },
{ "efs", },
{ "recovery", * },
{ "boot", * },
{ "system", * },
{ "cache", * },
{ "userdata", },
{ , },
$ sudo fastboot oem format
4.9 退出fastboot
- 拔usb
- ctrl+c
- 超时退出命令
# fastboot 100
# fastboot
4.10 获取客户端(手机端)变量信息
$sudo fastboot getvar version:version-bootloader:version-baseband:product:serialno:secure
version | 客户端支持的fastboot协议版本 |
version-bootloader | Bootloader的版本号 |
version-baseband | 基带版本 |
product | 产品名称 |
serialno | 产品序列号 |
secure | 返回yes 表示在刷机时需要获取签名 |
4.11 如何查看fastboot是否成功
fastboot支持环境变量文件,通常在fastboot烧写nand flash时,会将偏移量和大小写入环境变量中,命名格式为:
- <partition name>_nand_offset
- <partition name>_nand_size
- kernel_nand_offset=0x140000
- kernel_nand_size=0x1f70000
4.12 u-boot中定义定义的偏移和地址
name | offset | size | type of file | usual file |
xloader | 0x00000000 | 0x00080000 | xloader binary | MLO |
bootloader | 0x00080000 | 0x00180000 | uboot binary | u-boot.bin |
environment | 0x001C0000 | 0x00040000 | text file | list of variables to set |
kernel | 0x00200000 | 0x01D00000 | kernel or kernel + ramdisk | uImage, uMulti |
system | 0x02000000 | 0x0A000000 | yaffs2 | system.img |
userdata | 0x0C000000 | 0x02000000 | yaffs2 | userdata.img |
cache | 0x0E000000 | 0x02000000 | yaffs2 | ? |
fastboot重用内核的nand地址分配方式,并且大部分是可以变化的,但是xloader、bootloader 、environment地址是不变的。
4.13 文件大小限制
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