
The Import Settings for a model file will be displayed in the Model tab of the FBX importer inspector when the model is selected. These affect themesh, it's normals and imported materials. Settings are applied per asset on disk so if you need assets with different settings make (and rename accordingly) a duplicate file.

当一个模型被选择的时候,我们在FBX importer inspector面板的Model选项卡下将看到这个模型的导入设置选项。这些选项将影响到模型的网格、法线,以及导入的材质。这些设置将实际作用于磁盘上的文件,所以,如果你想对一个文件使用不同的设置,请复制它并且改名。

Although defaults can suffice initially, it is worth studying the settings glossary below, as they can determine what you wish to do with the game object.


Some general adjustments to be made for example might be:


  • Scale - this scale factor is used for compensating difference in units between Unity and 3d modeling tool - it rescales whole file. If you do not care about units you can simply set it to 1. 
    Scale缩放系数:这里的Scale Factor是为了补偿unity和其它三维建模软件间的单位差异-它将缩放整个模型,如果你不关心单位的话,你可以简单的将它设定为1。
  • Generate colliders - this will generate a collison mesh to allow your model to collide with other objects - see notes below. 
    Generate colliders生成碰撞:这将赋予网格碰撞属性,使你的模型可以与其它物体产生碰撞-参见下面的介绍
  • Material Naming and Search - this will help you automatically setup your materials and locate textures 
    Material Naming and Search材质命名和搜索:有助于自动设定模型上依附的材质和贴图

FBX Importer Inspector: Model tab
FBX 导入器检视窗口:Model选项卡

  • Meshes
  • Scale Factor 缩放系数
    Unity's physics system expects 1 meter in the game world to be 1 unit in the imported file. If you prefer to model at a different scale then you can compensate for it here. defaults for different 3D packages are as follows .fbx, .max, .jas, .c4d = 0.01, .mb, .ma, .lxo, .dxf, .blend, .dae = 1 .3ds = 0.1
    Unity的物理系统默认游戏世界中的一米等于导入的文件中的一个单位。如果你喜欢用不同的大小单位建模,在这里可以得到校正补偿。一些常见的3D文件格式Scale Factor的默认值:fbx, .max, .jas, .c4d = 0.01,.mb, .ma, .lxo, .dxf, .blend, .dae = 1 .3ds = 0.1。
  • Mesh Compression 网格压缩
    Increasing this value will reduce the file size of the mesh, but might introduce irregularities. It's best to turn it up as high as possible without the mesh looking too different from the uncompressed version. This is useful for optimizing game size.
    增大这个值将减小网格体的文件大小,但有可能导致网格出现错误。在网格看起来和没压缩前没有太大区别的前提下,最好将这个值调到尽可能大。这将有助于优化游戏optimizing game size
  • Read/Write Enabled
    读/写 启用
    Enables the mesh to be written at runtime so you can modify the data - makes a copy in memory.
    使模型可被实时读写,这样你就可以修改数据 – 在内存中制作一个拷贝。
  • Optimize Mesh 优化网格
    This option determines the order in which triangles will be listed in the mesh.
  • Import BlendShapes 导入混合图形
    Disable this if your file contains BlendShapes and you don't want them to be imported.
  • Generate Colliders 生成碰撞
    If this is enabled, your meshes will be imported with Mesh Colliders automatically attached. This is useful for quickly generating a collision mesh for environment geometry, but should be avoided for geometry you will be moving. For more info see Colliders below.
    如果勾选,模型在导入时将自动加上Mesh Colliders。在导入环境静态物体时可以让其快捷的产生碰撞,但不要对场景中的移动物体使用这个选项。更多信息参见下面的Colliders
  • Swap UVs 
    Use this if lightmapped objects pick up the wrong UV channels. This will swap your primary and secondary UV channels.
  • Generate Lightmap
    Use this to create the second UV channel to be used for Lightmapping.
  •     Advanced Options 高级选项
  • Normals & Tangents
  • Normals 法线
    Defines if and how normals should be calculated. This is useful for optimizing game size.
    定义是否以及如何计算法线,有助于优化游戏optimizing game size
  •     Import 导入
    Default option. Imports normals from the file.
  •     Calculate 计算
    Calculates normals based on Smoothing angle. If selected, the Smoothing Angle becomes enabled.
    依照Smoothing angle计算法线,选择后Smoothing angle激活。
  •     None 无
    Disables normals. Use this option if the mesh is neither normal mapped nor affected by realtime lighting.
  • Tangents 切线
    Defines if and how tangents and binormals should be calculated. This is useful for optimizing game size.
    定义是否以及如何计算切线,有助于优化游戏optimizing game size
  •     Import 导入
    Imports tangents and binormals from the file. This option is available only for FBX, Maya and 3dsMax files and only when normals are imported from the file.
    从文件中导入切线和双法线,只有文件格式是FBX、Maya 和 3dsMax时,并且法线已从文件中导入后,这个选项才可用。
  •     Calculate 计算
    Default option. Calculates tangents and binormals. This option is available only when normals are either imported or calculated.
  •     None 无
    Disables tangents and binormals. The mesh will have no Tangents, so won't work with normal-mapped shaders.
  • Smoothing Angle 平滑角度
    Sets how sharp an edge has to be in order to be treated as a hard edge. It is also used to split normal map tangents.
  • Split Tangents 分割切线
    Enable this if normal map lighting is broken by seams on your mesh. This usually only applies to characters.
  • Materials
  • Import Materials 导入材质
    Disable this if you don't want materials to be generated. Default-Diffuse material will be used instead.
  • Material Naming 材质命名
    Controls how Unity materials are named:
  •     By Base Texture Name
    The name of the diffuse texture of the imported material that will be used to name the material in Unity. When a diffuse texture is not assigned to the material, Unity will use the name of the imported material.
  •     From Model's Material
    The name of the imported material will be used for naming the Unity material.
  •     Model Name + Model's Material
    The name of the model file in combination with the name of the imported material will be used for naming the Unity material.
  •     Texture Name or Model Name + Model's Material (Obsolete)
    The name of the diffuse texture of the imported material will be used for naming the Unity material. When a diffuse texture is not assigned or it cannot be located in one of the Textures folders, then the material will be named by Model Name + Model's Material instead. This option is backwards compatible with the behavior of Unity 3.4 (and earlier versions). We recommend using By Base texture Name, because it is less complicated and has more consistent behavior.
    导入材质中的漫反射贴图名称将作为unity中的材质名称。如果导入的材质中不含漫反射贴图,将不会自动定位贴图文件夹,材质将被因此命名为:模型名称+模型材质。这个选项向下兼容Unity3.4以及更早版本。我们建议使用By Base texture Name,,因为这更清晰明了。
  • Material Search 材质搜索
    Controls where Unity will try to locate existing materials using the name defined by the Material Namingoption:
    决定Unity如何根据Material Naming选项,搜索定位一个材质 。
  •     Local 局部
    Unity will try to find existing materials only in the "local" Materials folder, ie, the Materials subfolder which is the same folder as the model file.
    Unity将仅在“局部”材质文件夹搜索,比如,和模型文件在同一个文件夹下的材质子文件夹 。
  •     Recursive-Up 递归向上
    Unity will try to find existing materials in all Materials subfolders in all parent folders up to the Assets folder.
  •     Everywhere 任何地方
    Unity will try to find existing materials in all Unity project folders.


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