The first parameters in the file (before a [module] header) are the global parameters.


You may also include any module parameters in the global part of the config file in which case the supplied value will override the default for that parameter.


motd file
This parameter allows you to specify a dqmessage of the daydq to display to clients on each connect. This usually contains site information and any legal notices. The default is no motd file.
pid file
This parameter tells the rsync daemon to write its process ID to that file. If the file already exists, the rsync daemon will abort rather than overwrite the file.
You can override the default port the daemon will listen on by specifying this value (defaults to 873). This is ignored if the daemon is being run by inetd, and is superseded by the --port command-line option.
You can override the default IP address the daemon will listen on by specifying this value. This is ignored if the daemon is being run by inetd, and is superseded by the --address command-line option.
socket options
This parameter can provide endless fun for people who like to tune their systems to the utmost degree. You can set all sorts of socket options which may make transfers faster (or slower!). Read the man page for the setsockopt() system call for details on some of the options you may be able to set. By default no special socket options are set. These settings can also be specified via the --sockopts command-line option.


After the global parameters you should define a number of modules, each module exports a directory tree as a symbolic name. Modules are exported by specifying a module name in square brackets [module] followed by the parameters for that module. The module name cannot contain a slash or a closing square bracket. If the name contains whitespace, each internal sequence of whitespace will be changed into a single space, while leading or trailing whitespace will be discarded.


This parameter specifies a description string that is displayed next to the module name when clients obtain a list of available modules. The default is no comment.
This parameter specifies the directory in the daemoncqs filesystem to make available in this module. You must specify this parameter for each module in rsyncd.conf.
use chroot
If dquse chrootdq is true, the rsync daemon will chroot to the dqpathdq before starting the file transfer with the client. This has the advantage of extra protection against possible implementation security holes, but it has the disadvantages of requiring super-user privileges, of not being able to follow symbolic links that are either absolute or outside of the new root path, and of complicating the preservation of users and groups by name (see below).
As an additional safety feature, you can specify a dot-dir in the modulecqs dqpathdq to indicate the point where the chroot should occur. This allows rsync to run in a chroot with a non-dq/dq path for the top of the transfer hierarchy. Doing this guards against unintended library loading (since those absolute paths will not be inside the transfer hierarchy unless you have used an unwise pathname), and lets you setup libraries for the chroot that are outside of the transfer. For example, specifying dq/var/rsync/./module1dq will chroot to the dq/var/rsyncdq directory and set the inside-chroot path to dq/module1dq. If you had omitted the dot-dir, the chroot would have used the whole path, and the inside-chroot path would have been dq/dq.
When dquse chrootdq is false or the inside-chroot path is not dq/dq, rsync will: (1) munge symlinks by default for security reasons (see dqmunge symlinksdq for a way to turn this off, but only if you trust your users), (2) substitute leading slashes in absolute paths with the modulecqs path (so that options such as --backup-dir, --compare-dest, etc. interpret an absolute path as rooted in the modulecqs dqpathdq dir), and (3) trim dq..dq path elements from args if rsync believes they would escape the module hierarchy. The default for dquse chrootdq is true, and is the safer choice (especially if the module is not read-only).
When this parameter is enabled, rsync will not attempt to map users and groups by name (by default), but instead copy IDs as though --numeric-ids had been specified. In order to enable name-mapping, rsync needs to be able to use the standard library functions for looking up names and IDs (i.e. getpwuid() , getgrgid() , getpwname() , and getgrnam() ). This means the rsync process in the chroot hierarchy will need to have access to the resources used by these library functions (traditionally /etc/passwd and /etc/group, but perhaps additional dynamic libraries as well).
If you copy the necessary resources into the modulecqs chroot area, you should protect them through your OScqs normal user/group or ACL settings (to prevent the rsync modulecqs user from being able to change them), and then hide them from the usercqs view via dqexcludedq (see how in the discussion of that parameter). At that point it will be safe to enable the mapping of users and groups by name using the dqnumeric idsdq daemon parameter (see below).
Note also that you are free to setup custom user/group information in the chroot area that is different from your normal system. For example, you could abbreviate the list of users and groups.
numeric ids
Enabling this parameter disables the mapping of users and groups by name for the current daemon module. This prevents the daemon from trying to load any user/group-related files or libraries. This enabling makes the transfer behave as if the client had passed the --numeric-ids command-line option. By default, this parameter is enabled for chroot modules and disabled for non-chroot modules.
A chroot-enabled module should not have this parameter enabled unless youcqve taken steps to ensure that the module has the necessary resources it needs to translate names, and that it is not possible for a user to change those resources.
chroot = false
munge symlinks
This parameter tells rsync to modify all incoming symlinks in a way that makes them unusable but recoverable (see below). This should help protect your files from user trickery when your daemon module is writable. The default is disabled when dquse chrootdq is on and the inside-chroot path is dq/dq, otherwise it is enabled.
If you disable this parameter on a daemon that is not read-only, there are tricks that a user can play with uploaded symlinks to access daemon-excluded items (if your module has any), and, if dquse chrootdq is off, rsync can even be tricked into showing or changing data that is outside the modulecqs path (as access-permissions allow).
The way rsync disables the use of symlinks is to prefix each one with the string dq/rsyncd-munged/dq. This prevents the links from being used as long as that directory does not exist. When this parameter is enabled, rsync will refuse to run if that path is a directory or a symlink to a directory. When using the dqmunge symlinksdq parameter in a chroot area that has an inside-chroot path of dq/dq, you should add dq/rsyncd-munged/dq to the exclude setting for the module so that a user cancqt try to create it.
Note: rsync makes no attempt to verify that any pre-existing symlinks in the modulecqs hierarchy are as safe as you want them to be (unless, of course, it just copied in the whole hierarchy). If you setup an rsync daemon on a new area or locally add symlinks, you can manually protect your symlinks from being abused by prefixing dq/rsyncd-munged/dq to the start of every symlinkcqs value. There is a perl script in the support directory of the source code named dqmunge-symlinksdq that can be used to add or remove this prefix from your symlinks.
When this parameter is disabled on a writable module and dquse chrootdq is off (or the inside-chroot path is not dq/dq), incoming symlinks will be modified to drop a leading slash and to remove dq..dq path elements that rsync believes will allow a symlink to escape the modulecqs hierarchy. There are tricky ways to work around this, though, so you had better trust your users if you choose this combination of parameters.
This specifies the name of the character set in which the modulecqs filenames are stored. If the client uses an --iconv option, the daemon will use the value of the dqcharsetdq parameter regardless of the character set the client actually passed. This allows the daemon to support charset conversion in a chroot module without extra files in the chroot area, and also ensures that name-translation is done in a consistent manner. If the dqcharsetdq parameter is not set, the --iconv option is refused, just as if dqiconvdq had been specified via dqrefuse optionsdq.
If you wish to force users to always use --iconv for a particular module, add dqno-iconvdq to the dqrefuse optionsdq parameter. Keep in mind that this will restrict access to your module to very new rsync clients.
max connections
This parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of simultaneous connections you will allow. Any clients connecting when the maximum has been reached will receive a message telling them to try later. The default is 0, which means no limit. A negative value disables the module. See also the dqlock filedq parameter.
log file
When the dqlog filedq parameter is set to a non-empty string, the rsync daemon will log messages to the indicated file rather than using syslog. This is particularly useful on systems (such as AIX) where syslog() doesncqt work for chrooted programs. The file is opened before chroot() is called, allowing it to be placed outside the transfer. If this value is set on a per-module basis instead of globally, the global log will still contain any authorization failures or config-file error messages.
If the daemon fails to open the specified file, it will fall back to using syslog and output an error about the failure. (Note that the failure to open the specified log file used to be a fatal error.)
syslog facility
This parameter allows you to specify the syslog facility name to use when logging messages from the rsync daemon. You may use any standard syslog facility name which is defined on your system. Common names are auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, ftp, kern, lpr, mail, news, security, syslog, user, uucp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6 and local7. The default is daemon. This setting has no effect if the dqlog filedq setting is a non-empty string (either set in the per-modules settings, or inherited from the global settings).
max verbosity
This parameter allows you to control the maximum amount of verbose information that youcqll allow the daemon to generate (since the information goes into the log file). The default is 1, which allows the client to request one level of verbosity.
lock file
This parameter specifies the file to use to support the dqmax connectionsdq parameter. The rsync daemon uses record locking on this file to ensure that the max connections limit is not exceeded for the modules sharing the lock file. The default is /var/run/rsyncd.lock.
read only
This parameter determines whether clients will be able to upload files or not. If dqread onlydq is true then any attempted uploads will fail. If dqread onlydq is false then uploads will be possible if file permissions on the daemon side allow them. The default is for all modules to be read only.
write only
This parameter determines whether clients will be able to download files or not. If dqwrite onlydq is true then any attempted downloads will fail. If dqwrite onlydq is false then downloads will be possible if file permissions on the daemon side allow them. The default is for this parameter to be disabled.
This parameter determines if this module should be listed when the client asks for a listing of available modules. By setting this to false you can create hidden modules. The default is for modules to be listable.
This parameter specifies the user name or user ID that file transfers to and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as root. In combination with the dqgiddq parameter this determines what file permissions are available. The default is uid -2, which is normally the user dqnobodydq.
用户名或用户ID,默认-2代表 nobody
This parameter specifies the group name or group ID that file transfers to and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as root. This complements the dquiddq parameter. The default is gid -2, which is normally the group dqnobodydq.
用户组名或用户组ID,默认-2 代表 nobody
fake super
Setting dqfake super = yesdq for a module causes the daemon side to behave as if the --fake-super command-line option had been specified. This allows the full attributes of a file to be stored without having to have the daemon actually running as root.
The daemon has its own filter chain that determines what files it will let the client access. This chain is not sent to the client and is independent of any filters the client may have specified. Files excluded by the daemon filter chain (daemon-excluded files) are treated as non-existent if the client tries to pull them, are skipped with an error message if the client tries to push them (triggering exit code 23), and are never deleted from the module. You can use daemon filters to prevent clients from downloading or tampering with private administrative files, such as files you may add to support uid/gid name translations.
The daemon filter chain is built from the dqfilterdq, dqinclude fromdq, dqincludedq, dqexclude fromdq, and dqexcludedq parameters, in that order of priority. Anchored patterns are anchored at the root of the module. To prevent access to an entire subtree, for example, dq/secretdq, you must exclude everything in the subtree; the easiest way to do this is with a triple-star pattern like dq/secret/***dq.
The dqfilterdq parameter takes a space-separated list of daemon filter rules, though it is smart enough to know not to split a token at an internal space in a rule (e.g. dq- /foo --- /bardq is parsed as two rules). You may specify one or more merge-file rules using the normal syntax. Only one dqfilterdq parameter can apply to a given module in the config file, so put all the rules you want in a single parameter. Note that per-directory merge-file rules do not provide as much protection as global rules, but they can be used to make --delete work better during a client download operation if the per-dir merge files are included in the transfer and the client requests that they be used.
This parameter takes a space-separated list of daemon exclude patterns. As with the client --exclude option, patterns can be qualified with dq- dq or dq+ dq to explicitly indicate exclude/include. Only one dqexcludedq parameter can apply to a given module. See the dqfilterdq parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.
Use an dqincludedq to override the effects of the dqexcludedq parameter. Only one dqincludedq parameter can apply to a given module. See the dqfilterdq parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.
exclude from
This parameter specifies the name of a file on the daemon that contains daemon exclude patterns, one per line. Only one dqexclude fromdq parameter can apply to a given module; if you have multiple exclude-from files, you can specify them as a merge file in the dqfilterdq parameter. See the dqfilterdq parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.
include from
Analogue of dqexclude fromdq for a file of daemon include patterns. Only one dqinclude fromdq parameter can apply to a given module. See the dqfilterdq parameter for a description of how excluded files affect the daemon.
incoming chmod
This parameter allows you to specify a set of comma-separated chmod strings that will affect the permissions of all incoming files (files that are being received by the daemon). These changes happen after all other permission calculations, and this will even override destination-default and/or existing permissions when the client does not specify --perms. See the description of the --chmod rsync option and the chmod(1) manpage for information on the format of this string.
outgoing chmod
This parameter allows you to specify a set of comma-separated chmod strings that will affect the permissions of all outgoing files (files that are being sent out from the daemon). These changes happen first, making the sent permissions appear to be different than those stored in the filesystem itself. For instance, you could disable group write permissions on the server while having it appear to be on to the clients. See the description of the --chmod rsync option and the chmod(1) manpage for information on the format of this string.
auth users
This parameter specifies a comma and space-separated list of usernames that will be allowed to connect to this module. The usernames do not need to exist on the local system. The usernames may also contain shell wildcard characters. If dqauth usersdq is set then the client will be challenged to supply a username and password to connect to the module. A challenge response authentication protocol is used for this exchange. The plain text usernames and passwords are stored in the file specified by the dqsecrets filedq parameter. The default is for all users to be able to connect without a password (this is called dqanonymous rsyncdq).
See also the section entitled dqUSING RSYNC-DAEMON FEATURES VIA A REMOTE SHELL CONNECTIONdq in rsync(1) for information on how handle an rsyncd.conf-level username that differs from the remote-shell-level username when using a remote shell to connect to an rsync daemon.
secrets file
This parameter specifies the name of a file that contains the username:password pairs used for authenticating this module. This file is only consulted if the dqauth usersdq parameter is specified. The file is line based and contains username:password pairs separated by a single colon. Any line starting with a hash (#) is considered a comment and is skipped. The passwords can contain any characters but be warned that many operating systems limit the length of passwords that can be typed at the client end, so you may find that passwords longer than 8 characters doncqt work.
There is no default for the dqsecrets filedq parameter, you must choose a name (such as /etc/rsyncd.secrets). The file must normally not be readable by dqotherdq; see dqstrict modesdq.
strict modes
This parameter determines whether or not the permissions on the secrets file will be checked. If dqstrict modesdq is true, then the secrets file must not be readable by any user ID other than the one that the rsync daemon is running under. If dqstrict modesdq is false, the check is not performed. The default is true. This parameter was added to accommodate rsync running on the Windows operating system.
hosts allow
This parameter allows you to specify a list of patterns that are matched against a connecting clients hostname and IP address. If none of the patterns match then the connection is rejected.
Each pattern can be in one of five forms:
a dotted decimal IPv4 address of the form a.b.c.d, or an IPv6 address of the form a:b:c::d:e:f. In this case the incoming machinecqs IP address must match exactly.
an address/mask in the form ipaddr/n where ipaddr is the IP address and n is the number of one bits in the netmask. All IP addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in.
an address/mask in the form ipaddr/maskaddr where ipaddr is the IP address and maskaddr is the netmask in dotted decimal notation for IPv4, or similar for IPv6, e.g. ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:: instead of /64. All IP addresses which match the masked IP address will be allowed in.
a hostname. The hostname as determined by a reverse lookup will be matched (case insensitive) against the pattern. Only an exact match is allowed in.
a hostname pattern using wildcards. These are matched using the same rules as normal unix filename matching. If the pattern matches then the client is allowed in.
Note IPv6 link-local addresses can have a scope in the address specification:



You can also combine dqhosts allowdq with a separate dqhosts denydq
parameter. If both parameters are specified then the dqhosts allowdq parameter is
checked first and a match results in the client being able to
connect. The dqhosts denydq parameter is then checked and a match means
that the host is rejected. If the host does not match either the
dqhosts allowdq or the dqhosts denydq patterns then it is allowed to
The default is no dqhosts allowdq parameter, which means all hosts can connect.
hosts deny
This parameter allows you to specify a
list of patterns that are matched against a connecting clients
hostname and IP address. If the pattern matches then the connection is
rejected. See the dqhosts allowdq parameter for more information.
The default is no dqhosts denydq parameter, which means all hosts can connect.
ignore errors
This parameter tells rsyncd to
ignore I/O errors on the daemon when deciding whether to run the delete
phase of the transfer. Normally rsync skips the --delete step if any
I/O errors have occurred in order to prevent disastrous deletion due
to a temporary resource shortage or other I/O error. In some cases this
test is counter productive so you can use this parameter to turn off this
ignore nonreadable
This tells the rsync daemon to completely
ignore files that are not readable by the user. This is useful for
public archives that may have some non-readable files among the
directories, and the sysadmin doesncqt want those files to be seen at all.
transfer logging
This parameter enables per-file
logging of downloads and uploads in a format somewhat similar to that
used by ftp daemons. The daemon always logs the transfer at the end, so
if a transfer is aborted, no mention will be made in the log file.
If you want to customize the log lines, see the dqlog formatdq parameter.
log format
This parameter allows you to specify the
format used for logging file transfers when transfer logging is enabled.
The format is a text string containing embedded single-character escape
sequences prefixed with a percent (%) character. An optional numeric
field width may also be specified between the percent and the escape
letter (e.g. dq%-50n %8l %07pdq).
The default log format is dq%o %h [%a] %m (%u) %f %ldq, and a dq%t [%p] dq
is always prefixed when using the dqlog filedq parameter.
(A perl script that will summarize this default log format is included
in the rsync source code distribution in the dqsupportdq subdirectory:
The single-character escapes that are understood are as follows:
%a the remote IP address
%b the number of bytes actually transferred
%B the permission bits of the file (e.g. rwxrwxrwt)
%c the total size of the block checksums received for the basis file (only when sending)
%f the filename (long form on sender; no trailing dq/dq)
%G the gid of the file (decimal) or dqDEFAULTdq
%h the remote host name
%i an itemized list of what is being updated
%l the length of the file in bytes
%L the string dq -> SYMLINKdq, dq => HARDLINKdq, or dqdq (where SYMLINK or HARDLINK is a filename)
%m the module name
%M the last-modified time of the file
%n the filename (short form; trailing dq/dq on dir)
%o the operation, which is dqsenddq, dqrecvdq, or dqdel.dq (the latter includes the trailing period)
%p the process ID of this rsync session
%P the module path
%t the current date time
%u the authenticated username or an empty string
%U the uid of the file (decimal)
For a list of what the characters mean that are output by dq%idq, see the
--itemize-changes option in the rsync manpage.
Note that some of the logged output changes when talking with older
rsync versions. For instance, deleted files were only output as verbose
messages prior to rsync 2.6.4.
This parameter allows you to override the
clients choice for I/O timeout for this module. Using this parameter you
can ensure that rsync woncqt wait on a dead client forever. The timeout
is specified in seconds. A value of zero means no timeout and is the
default. A good choice for anonymous rsync daemons may be 600 (giving
a 10 minute timeout).
refuse options
This parameter allows you to
specify a space-separated list of rsync command line options that will
be refused by your rsync daemon.
You may specify the full option name, its one-letter abbreviation, or a
wild-card string that matches multiple options.
For example, this would refuse --checksum (-c) and all the various
delete options:
refuse options = c delete
The reason the above refuses all delete options is that the options imply
--delete, and implied options are refused just like explicit options.
As an additional safety feature, the refusal of dqdeletedq also refuses
remove-source-files when the daemon is the sender; if you want the latter
without the former, instead refuse dqdelete-*dq -- that refuses all the
delete modes without affecting --remove-source-files.
When an option is refused, the daemon prints an error message and exits.
To prevent all compression when serving files,
you can use dqdont compress = *dq (see below)
instead of dqrefuse options = compressdq to avoid returning an error to a
client that requests compression.
dont compress
This parameter allows you to select
filenames based on wildcard patterns that should not be compressed
when pulling files from the daemon (no analogous parameter exists to
govern the pushing of files to a daemon).
Compression is expensive in terms of CPU usage, so it
is usually good to not try to compress files that woncqt compress well,
such as already compressed files.
The dqdont compressdq parameter takes a space-separated list of
case-insensitive wildcard patterns. Any source filename matching one
of the patterns will not be compressed during transfer.
See the --skip-compress parameter in the rsync(1) manpage for the list
of file suffixes that are not compressed by default. Specifying a value
for the dqdont compressdq parameter changes the default when the daemon is
the sender.
pre-xfer exec, post-xfer exec
You may specify a command to be run
before and/or after the transfer. If the pre-xfer exec command fails, the
transfer is aborted before it begins.
The following environment variables will be set, though some are
specific to the pre-xfer or the post-xfer environment:
RSYNC_MODULE_NAME: The name of the module being accessed.
RSYNC_MODULE_PATH: The path configured for the module.
RSYNC_HOST_ADDR: The accessing hostcqs IP address.
RSYNC_HOST_NAME: The accessing hostcqs name.
RSYNC_USER_NAME: The accessing usercqs name (empty if no user).
RSYNC_PID: A unique number for this transfer.
RSYNC_REQUEST: (pre-xfer only) The module/path info specified
by the user (note that the user can specify multiple source files,
so the request can be something like dqmod/path1 mod/path2dq, etc.).
RSYNC_ARG#: (pre-xfer only) The pre-request arguments are set
in these numbered values. RSYNC_ARG0 is always dqrsyncddq, and the last
value contains a single period.
RSYNC_EXIT_STATUS: (post-xfer only) the server sidecqs exit value.
This will be 0 for a successful run, a positive value for an error that the
server generated, or a -1 if rsync failed to exit properly. Note that an
error that occurs on the client side does not currently get sent to the
server side, so this is not the final exit status for the whole transfer.
RSYNC_RAW_STATUS: (post-xfer only) the raw exit value from
Even though the commands can be associated with a particular module, they
are run using the permissions of the user that started the daemon (not the
modulecqs uid/gid setting) without any chroot restrictions.

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  8. C语言基础学习

    汇编语言又叫符号语言 出来机器语言和汇编语言外其他语言必须经过翻译(编译,和解释行)才可以执行 .c --> 编译(翻译成二进制代码 .obj) 链接 把目标程序和库函数以及其他目标程序链接起来 ...

  9. JAVA 单选按钮、复选按钮

    //单选按钮和复选按钮 import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Jiemian6 extends JFrame{ JPanel mb ...

  10. 编写第一个java程序

    安装了一个编辑器,Notepad++,这个编辑器以前在写PHP的时候就喜欢用,呵呵,现在写java也先沿用这个这个编辑器吧. 代码: public class Test{ public static ...