Led strip refers to the led assembly in the ribbon of the FPC (flexible circuit board) or PCB hard board, because its product shape like a strap, named. Because the service life is long (the general normal life is 80 ~ 100 thousand hours), and very energy saving and environmental protection and gradually in a variety of decoration industry. The     LED Decorative Light Supplier    explains that LED lights have the following decorative USES.

Led light strips are widely used, mainly for the following purposes:

1. Home decoration (stair lighting, hall and corridor lighting, lighting decoration, edge hook decoration);

2. Path indication and exterior wall contour decoration, backlighting of billboards, advertising signs, channel signal signs, etc.;

3, the outline of buildings, Bridges, parks and squares, the building body lighting decoration, all kinds of indoor and outdoor lighting projects;

4. Festival decoration, activity venue setting, exhibition venue decoration, exhibition hall decoration, exhibition cabinet, window, props and other application decoration lighting;

5. Automobile chassis decoration, high brake indication, body decoration and interior decoration;

6, hotels, bars, KTV, nightclubs and other high-end entertainment places decorative lighting.


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