一. 声学背景



1.  20Hz--60Hz部分


2.  60Hz--250Hz部分

3.  250Hz--2KHz部分

4.  2KHz--4kHz部分

5.  4kHz--5KHz部分

6.  6kHz--16kHz部分

二. 数字信号处理原理

从声学原理出发,Equalizer的物理意义在于通过对频域进行频带划分(根据个人需要,通常为5,10,12,15个子带)并对不同的频带施加相应的增益,从而改变原始数据频域能量分布,达到改变主观听感的作用(常用的低音增强bassboost效果也可通过该方式实现)。常用的Equalizer分类包含Pop(流行乐), Jazz(爵士), HeavyMetal(重金属),Electronic(电音),Classic(古典)等等

设滤波系统传递函数H(z),原始音频通过滤波系统,输出Y(z) = X(z)*H(z)。考虑到频带的划分及频带滤波增益。最终的信号输出




3. EQ filter

Peak filter是常用在音频数字均衡器中的一种滤波器.

Peak filter的主要参数为:

Fo:center frequecy.

G: gain (db) at center frequency.

Q:quality factor.


下图的Peak filter在100Hz cut 6db,在1KHz处boost 9db.

shelve filter也可用在EQ中用来调节bass和treble部分的gain

如下图的shelve filter 在bass部分cut 3db,在treble部分boost 9db.



PEQ用户可以EQ filter的任意参数,包括调节中心频率,gain值,Band width(Q).

Graphic equalizer

In the graphic equalizer, the input signal is sent to a bank of filters. Each filter passes the portion of the signal present in its own frequency range or band. The amplitude passed by each filter is adjusted using a slide control to boost or cut frequency components passed by that filter. The vertical position of each slider thus indicates the gain applied at that frequency band, so that the knobs resemble a graph of the equalizer's response plotted versus frequency.
 The number of frequency channels (and therefore each one's bandwidth) affects the cost of production and may be matched to the requirements of the intended application. A car audio equalizer might have one set of controls applying the same gain to both stereo channels for convenience, with a total of five to ten frequency bands. On the other hand, an equalizer for professional live sound reinforcement typically has some 25 to 31 bands, for more precise control of feedback problems and equalization of room modes. Such an equalizer (as shown above) is called a 1/3-octave equalizer (spoken informally as "third-octave EQ") because the center frequency of its filters are spaced one third of an octave apart, three filters to an octave. Equalizers with half as many filters per octave are common where less precise control is required—this design is called a 2/3-octave equalizer.

UREI graphic and parametric EQs

Parametric equalizer

 Parametric equalizers are multi-band variable equalizers which allow users to control the three primary parameters: amplitudecenter frequency and bandwidth. The amplitude of each band can be controlled, and the center frequency can be shifted, and bandwidth (which is inversely related to "Q") can be widened or narrowed. Parametric equalizers are capable of making much more precise adjustments to sound than other equalizers, and are commonly used in sound recording and live sound reinforcement. Parametric equalizers are also sold as standalone outboard gear units.

A variant of the parametric equalizer is the semi-parametric equalizer, also known as a sweepable filter. It allows users to control the amplitude and frequency, but uses a pre-set bandwidth of the center frequency. In some cases, semi-parametric equalizers allow the user to select between a wide and a narrow preset bandwidth.

The equaliser section from the Audient ASP8024 Mixing console. The upper section has high and low shelving EQ, the lower section has fully parametric EQ.


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