
我在之前的博客中写了关于LCA的多种求法。 https://www.cnblogs.com/yy-1046741080/p/11505547.html。  在建树的过程中,建立深度和parent,来寻找LCA。

该题目的数据有一定的欺诈性,它给你结点数据是1-8,如果没有仔细看清题目,那么很有可能定义一个 node tree[10005]的数组,但是题目并没有说数据范围在1-10000内。



我认为最好的方法就是建立一个映射表,映射输入data和node tree[]中下标的关系,就不需要进行查找。

using namespace std; struct node {
int data;
struct node* left, * right; //left/right=-1,表示空子树
int depth;
struct node* parent;
}; node* root; // 树的根
int pre[]; // 先序遍历序列
int in[]; // 后序遍历序列
set<int> is_visit; // 先序序列pre[preL,preR],中序序列in[inL,inR], depth/parent:for LCA;
node* BuildTree(int preL, int preR, int inL, int inR, int depth, node* parent) {
if (preL > preR) {
return NULL;
node* root = new node;
root->data = pre[preL];
root->depth = depth;
root->parent = parent;
int k;
for (k = inL; in[k] != pre[preL]; k++) {
root->left = BuildTree(preL + , preL + k - inL, inL, k - , depth + , root);
root->right = BuildTree(preL + k - inL + , preR, k + , inR, depth + , root); return root; // 返回
} // 寻找权值为value的结点
void find(node* root, int value,node* &t) {
if (root != NULL) {
if (root->data == value) {
t = root;
else {
find(root->left, value,t);
find(root->right, value,t);
} int LCA(int u, int v) {
node* uu;
find(root, u, uu);
node* vv;
find(root, v, vv);
while (uu->depth > vv->depth) {
uu = uu->parent;
while (uu->depth < vv->depth) {
vv = vv->parent;
while (uu != vv) {
uu = uu->parent;
vv = vv->parent;
return uu->data;
} int main() {
int N, M;
cin >> N >> M;
for (int i = ; i <= M; i++) {
cin >> in[i];
for (int i = ; i <= M; i++) {
cin >> pre[i];
root = BuildTree(, M, , M, , NULL);
while (N--) {
int u, v;
cin >> u >> v;
bool f1 = is_visit.find(u) != is_visit.end() ? true : false;
bool f2 = is_visit.find(v) != is_visit.end() ? true : false; if (!f1 && !f2) {
cout << "ERROR: " << u << " and " << v << " are not found.\n";
else if (!f1) {
cout << "ERROR: " << u <<" is not found.\n";
else if (!f2) {
cout << "ERROR: " << v <<" is not found.\n";
else {
int w = LCA(u, v);
if (w == u) {
cout << u << " is an ancestor of " << v << ".\n";
else if (w == v) {
cout << v << " is an ancestor of " << u << ".\n";
else {
cout << "LCA of " << u << " and " << v << " is " << w << ".\n";

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