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var points = [
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var currParamsLat = 0
//控制速度 标准 0.0001
var base = 0.000005; currParamsLng = Math.sqrt(base * base / (1 + (diffLat / diffLng) * (diffLat / diffLng)));
currParamsLat = (diffLat / diffLng) * currParamsLng currParamsLng = Math.abs(currParamsLng);
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currParamsLat = base;
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currParamsLat = 0;
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currLng = currLng + currParamsLng;
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currLng = currLng + currParamsLng;
currLat = currLat + currParamsLat;
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currLat = currLat + currParamsLat;
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currLng = currLng + currParamsLng;
currLat = currLat - currParamsLat;
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currLat = currLat - currParamsLat;
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currLng = currLng - currParamsLng;
currLat = currLat - currParamsLat;
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currLng = currLng - currParamsLng;
currLat = currLat - currParamsLat;
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currLng = currLng - currParamsLng;
currLat = currLat + currParamsLat;
while (currLng > nextLng) { newPoints.push(ol.proj.fromLonLat([currLng, currLat]));
currLng = currLng - currParamsLng;
currLat = currLat + currParamsLat;
} DealPoints(); var map; //轨迹
var layer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector(),
style: new ol.style.Style({
fill: new ol.style.Fill({
color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)'
stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({
color: 'red',
width: 2
}); //动画
var speed;
var geoMarker
var endMarker //样式
var style = new ol.style.Style({
image: new ol.style.Circle({
radius: 5,
snapToPixel: false,
fill: new ol.style.Fill({ color: 'rgba(30,144,255,1)' }),
stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({
color: 'rgb(30,144,255)', width: 2
}); var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector()
}); //地图初始化
function InitMap() {
map = new ol.Map({
layers: [new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector()
style: function (feature, resolution) {
switch (feature.get('layer')) {
case 'poi':
return poiStyle;
case 'boundary': return boundaryStyle;
case 'lawn': return lawnStyle;
case 'road':
return (resolution < 2) ? roadStyle : null;
case 'building':
return buildingStyle(feature, resolution);
case 'other':
return otherStyle;
default: return null;
}), layer, vectorLayer],
target: 'map',
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([120.277, 36.330]),
minZoom: 1,
zoom: 16
} /*显示并编辑区域**********************************************************************************/
function AddPolygon() {
layer.getSource().clear(); //var line = new ol.geom.LineString(points);
var line = new ol.geom.LineString(newPoints); var feature = new ol.Feature({
geometry: line
}); layer.getSource().addFeature(feature); SetMoveMark();
} function SetMoveMark() {
geoMarker = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.Point(newPoints[0])
geoMarker.setStyle(style) endMarker = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.Point(newPoints[newPoints.length - 1])
endMarker.setStyle(style); vectorLayer.getSource().addFeatures([geoMarker, endMarker]);
} InitMap(); AddPolygon(); //动画
var index = 0;
var date;
var tempDate;
var center = ol.proj.fromLonLat([120.277, 36.330]);
var calcIndex = 0; var moveFeature = function (event) {
var vectorContext = event.vectorContext; var frameState = event.frameState;
var elapsedTime = frameState.time - date; if (ispuse == 0) {
index = Math.round(speed * elapsedTime / 1000) + calcIndex;
} if (index >= newPoints.length) {
} var currentPoint = new ol.geom.Point(newPoints[index]);
var feature = new ol.Feature(currentPoint);
vectorContext.drawFeature(feature, style); if (ispuse == 0) {
}; function startAnimation() {
//now = new Date().getTime();
//speed = 20000 / $("#sudu").val();
speed = $("#sudu").val(); geoMarker.setStyle(style);
map.on('postcompose', moveFeature);
} /**
* @param {boolean} ended end of animation.
function stopAnimation() {
index = 0;
date = 0;
tempDate = 0;
map.un('postcompose', moveFeature);
} var inter;
var ispuse = 0; $("#tempstop").click(function () {
tempDate = (new Date()).getTime();
ispuse = 1;
}) $("#start").click(function () {
if (date == undefined || date == 0) {
date = (new Date()).getTime();
calcIndex = 0;
} if (tempDate != undefined && tempDate != 0) {
date = date + ((new Date()).getTime() - tempDate);
} ispuse = 0;
}) function startMove() {
inter = setInterval(function () {
}, speed);
} $("#stop").click(function () {
calcIndex = 0;
}) $("#next").click(function () {
var tempIndex = index; var ispoint = true;
while (ispoint) {
var p = newPoints[tempIndex]; for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
var p1 = ol.proj.fromLonLat(points[i]); if (p[0] == p1[0] && p[1] == p1[1]) {
ispoint = false;
} tempIndex = tempIndex + 1; if (tempIndex >= newPoints.length) {
ispoint = false;
} calcIndex = tempIndex - index + calcIndex;
index = tempIndex;
}) $("#prev").click(function () {
var tempIndex = index; var ispoint = true;
while (ispoint) {
var p = newPoints[tempIndex]; for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
var p1 = ol.proj.fromLonLat(points[i]); if (p[0] == p1[0] && p[1] == p1[1]) {
ispoint = false;
} tempIndex = tempIndex - 1; if (tempIndex == 0) {
ispoint = false;
} calcIndex = tempIndex - index + calcIndex;
index = tempIndex;
}) </script>



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