Graduate Online Course Overviews
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Picture of Thomas Building where the Eberly College of Science and the Department of Statistics resides.The Department of Statistics takes advantage of the internet for the purposes of creatively delivering image of mucourse content as well as to provide a mechanism for interaction between faculty and students. Faculty employ a range of different approaches to learning online. Through Penn State's World Campus, the Department of Statistics offers two graduate programs. Here is Dr. Mosuk Chow to talk a bit about these programs. Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics
image of sigma squaredA -credit online graduate certificate program is designed to improve your research and data-analysis expertise and refine and maximize your analytical talents. Master of Applied Statistics
The Master of Applied Statistics (MAS) degree program is designed to provide training focused on developing data analysis skills, exploring all core areas of applied statistics (DOE, ANOVA, Analysis of Discrete Data, MANOVA, and many more) without going too deeply into the mathematical statistics foundations.Linked in logo ONLINE CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Use the links below to review the university course descriptions or the links to the left to review sample syllabi from our online courses. For the course catalog of offerings by semester, application and other information related to this program, please visit the department's World Campus web page. Statistical Analysis System Programming STAT - Introduction to SAS ( credit)
STAT - Intermediate SAS ( credit)
STAT - Advanced Topics in SAS ( credit)
STAT - Topics in R Statistical Language
STAT - Intermediate Topics in R Statistical Language
Theoretical Foundations STAT - Introduction to Probability Theory
STAT - Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
STAT - Applied Nonparametric Statistics
Graduate Level Courses STAT - Applied Statistics*
STAT - Regression Methods*
STAT - Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments
STAT - Design of Experiments
STAT - Analysis of Discrete Data
STAT - Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
STAT - Sampling Theory and Methods
STAT - Epidemiological Research Methods
STAT - Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials
STAT - Applied Time Series Analysis
* For students just beginning the Graduate Certificate or the Masters in Applied Statistics program, STAT then STAT would be the recommended courses to begin your study. Advanced Application of Statistical Methods STAT 897D - Applied Data Mining I
Capstone Experience STAT / - Statistical Consulting Practicum Sequence

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