
            with zyd,mxl

G: Greatest Common Divisor

There is an array of length n, containing only positive numbers.
Now you can add all numbers by many times.
Please find out the minimum times you need to perform to obtain an array whose greatest common divisor(gcd) is larger than or state that it is impossible.
You should notice that if you want to add one number by , you need to add all numbers by at the same time. 输入
The first line of input file contains an integer T (≤T≤), describing the number of test cases.
Then there are ×T lines, with every two lines representing a test case.
The first line of each case contains a single integer n (≤n≤1e5) described above.
The second line of that contains n integers ranging in [,1e9]. 输出
You should output exactly T lines.
For each test case, print Case d: (d represents the order of the test case) first.
Then output exactly one integer representing the answer.
If it is impossible, print - instead.



Case :
Case : -
Case :



  定义a[]数组存储输入的 n 个数;

  求使得 ∀i∈[1,n] GCD(a[i]+x) > 1 的最小的 x;



  将数组 a 排序,去重;

  ①去重后,如果只有一个元素,输出 (a[1] == 1 ? 1:0);


    (2.1)如果 gcd == 1 ,输出 -1

    (2.2)反之,所有数肯定可以通过增加 x 使得所有数变为 gcd 的倍数,当然也可以变为gcd因子的倍数,



using namespace std;
#define ll long long
const int maxn=1e5+; int n;
int a[maxn]; int GCD(int _a,int _b)
return _a == ? _b:GCD(_b%_a,_a);
ll Solve()
int t=unique(a+,a+n+)-a;
if(t == )///情况①
return a[] == ? :; ll gcd=a[]-a[];
for(int i=;i <= t;++i)
gcd=GCD(gcd,a[i]-a[i-]); if(gcd == )///情况(2.1)
return -;
ll ans=(a[]/gcd+(a[]%gcd == ? :))*gcd-a[];///情况(2.2)
for(ll i=;i*i <= gcd;++i)
if(gcd%i != )
ll j=gcd/i;
///找到最小的 curAns 使得所有数 +curAns 都可以变为 i,j 的倍数
ll curAns=(a[]/i+(a[]%i == ? :))*i-a[];
curAns=min(curAns,(a[]/j+(a[]%j == ? :))*j-a[]);
return ans;
int main()
int test;
for(int kase=;kase <= test;++kase)
for(int i=;i <= n;++i)
scanf("%d",a+i); printf("Case %d: %lld\n",kase,Solve());
return ;


例如 差值为21
所有数都变成3的倍数需要 +
所有数都变成7的倍数需要 +
所有数都变成21的倍数需要 +

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