一 opus
二 源码解析
import wave
from pyogg import OpusEncoder
from pyogg import OpusDecoder if __name__ == "__main__":
# Setup encoding
# ============== # Read a wav file to obtain PCM data
filename = "test2.wav"
wave_read = wave.open(filename, "rb")
print("Reading wav from file '{:s}'".format(filename)) # Extract the wav's specification
channels = wave_read.getnchannels()
print("Number of channels:", channels)
samples_per_second = wave_read.getframerate()
print("Sampling frequency:", samples_per_second)
bytes_per_sample = wave_read.getsampwidth() # Create an Opus encoder
opus_encoder = OpusEncoder()
opus_encoder.set_channels(channels) # Calculate the desired frame size (in samples per channel)
desired_frame_duration = 20/1000 # milliseconds
desired_frame_size = int(desired_frame_duration * samples_per_second) # Setup decoding
# ============== # Create an Opus decoder
opus_decoder = OpusDecoder()
opus_decoder.set_sampling_frequency(samples_per_second) # Open an output wav for the decoded PCM
output_filename = "output-"+filename
wave_write = wave.open(output_filename, "wb")
print("Writing wav into file '{:s}'".format(output_filename)) # Save the wav's specification
wave_write.setsampwidth(bytes_per_sample) # Execute encode-decode
# ===================== # Loop through the wav file's PCM data and encode it as Opus
bytes_encoded = 0
while True:
# Get data from the wav file
pcm = wave_read.readframes(desired_frame_size) # Check if we've finished reading the wav file
if len(pcm) == 0:
break # Calculate the effective frame size from the number of bytes
# read
effective_frame_size = (
len(pcm) # bytes
// bytes_per_sample
// channels
) # Check if we've received enough data
if effective_frame_size < desired_frame_size:
# We haven't read a full frame from the wav file, so this
# is most likely a final partial frame before the end of
# the file. We'll pad the end of this frame with silence.
pcm += (
* ((desired_frame_size - effective_frame_size)
* bytes_per_sample
* channels)
) # Encode the PCM data
encoded_packet = opus_encoder.encode(pcm)
bytes_encoded += len(encoded_packet) # At this stage we now have a buffer containing an
# Opus-encoded packet. This could be sent over UDP, for
# example, and then decoded with OpusDecoder. However it
# cannot really be saved to a file without wrapping it in the
# likes of an Ogg stream; for this see OggOpusWriter. # For this example, we will now immediately decode this
# encoded packet using OpusDecoder.
decoded_pcm = opus_decoder.decode(encoded_packet) # Save the decoded PCM as a new wav file wave_read.close()
print("Total bytes of encoded packets:", bytes_encoded)
三 运行结果


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