

  1. antdUpload.Dragger组件进行二次封装,让它的使用方法和Upload.Dragger组件保持一致。
  2. 让该组件能自动把数据放到对应后端服务器中。
  3. 让该组件能的 value 值如果没上传,为数组形式。如果没有值,为空数组。如果有值,都为数组的项。


// CustomDraggerUpload.tsx

import { InboxOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
import { request } from "@umijs/max";
import { Upload } from "antd";
import { UploadProps } from "antd/lib/upload/interface";
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; // import styled from 'styled-components';
import { createGlobalStyle } from "styled-components";
const GlobalStyles = createGlobalStyle`
.CustomDraggerUploadContainer {
&.is-the-check {
.ant-upload-drag {
display: none;
`; interface CustomDraggerUploadProps extends UploadProps {
fileList?: UploadProps["fileList"];
value?: UploadProps["fileList"];
onFileListChange?: (fileList: UploadProps["fileList"]) => void;
noUpload?: boolean;
} const theFileUpload = `/api/file/upload`; //后端提交文件接口。 const CustomDraggerUpload: React.FC<CustomDraggerUploadProps> = (props) => {
const theProps = { ...props };
delete theProps.value;
delete theProps.disabled;
delete theProps.fileList;
delete theProps.onChange; const [theDisabled, setTheDisabled] = useState(props?.disabled || false);
useEffect(() => {
setTheDisabled(props?.disabled || false);
}, [props?.disabled]); // 自动控制已上传列表;
let [theFileList, setTheFileList] = useState<UploadProps["fileList"]>(
props?.value || []
useEffect(() => {
console.log(`props?.value-->`, props?.value);
// 父组件在onChange事件中,大概率会把传出的theFileList赋值给porps.fileList中,防止死循环;
if (theFileList === props?.value || !props?.value) {
setTheFileList(props?.value || []);
}, [props?.value]); // useEffect(() => {
// // 这个是为了给父组件传一个onChange事件; // if (theFileList === props?.value) {
// return;
// } // props?.onChange?.(theFileList); //兼容antd的校验机制;
// }, [theFileList]); const theUploadProps: UploadProps = {
fileList: theFileList,
progress: {
strokeColor: {
"0%": "#108ee9",
"100%": "#87d068",
onChange: async (info) => {
if (props?.noUpload) {
`不可上传,只能处理onChange: props?.noUpload-->`,
} console.log(`列表数据变动事件onChange: info`, info);
setTheFileList(info?.fileList || []);
props?.onChange?.(info?.fileList || []); //兼容antd的校验机制;
customRequest: async (theOptions) => {
if (props?.noUpload) {
`不可上传,只能处理customRequest: props?.noUpload-->`,
); return;
} const formData = new FormData();
// console.log(`自定义上传事件: theOptions`, theOptions);
formData.append("file", theOptions.file, theOptions.file.name);
try {
// 这个接口是后端给的,用于把文件上传到后端的服务器;
interface ApiResponse {
code: number; // 状态码;
msg: null | string; // 消息,可以为 null 或字符串;
data: {
uuid: string; // 文件 UUID;
sysFileName: string; // 文件名;
sysFileExtension: string; // 文件扩展名;
sysFileSize: number; // 文件大小(字节);
sysCreateTime: string; // 文件创建时间;
url: string; // 文件绝对URL;
sysFileStoragePath: string; // 文件相对路径;
error: boolean; // 是否有错误;
success: boolean; // 是否成功;
} setTheDisabled(true);
const res = await request<ApiResponse>(theFileUpload, {
data: formData,
method: "POST",
onUploadProgress: (data) => {
console.log(`上传中data`, data); // let { total, loaded } = data;
let params = {
percent: Math.round((data.loaded / data.total) * 100).toFixed(2),
theOptions.file.percent = Number(params.percent);
theOptions.file.status = `uploading`;
if (theOptions.file.percent >= 100) {
theOptions.file.status = `done`;
// console.log(`theOptions.file`, theOptions.file); const theList = [
...theFileList.filter((item) => item.uid !== theOptions.file.uid),
theFileList = theList;
props?.onChange?.(theList); //兼容antd的校验机制;
theOptions?.onProgress?.(params, theOptions.file);
console.log(`res`, res); if (res?.code !== 200) {
throw new Error(`上传不成功`);
} console.log(
`自定义上传成功: theOptions`,
`\n theFileList`,
const theList = [
...(res?.data || {}),
uid: res?.data?.uuid,
sysFileUuid: res?.data?.uuid,
url: res?.data?.url,
name: res?.data?.sysFileName,
sysFileName: res?.data?.sysFileName,
status: "done",
...theFileList.filter((item) => item.uid !== theOptions.file.uid),
theFileList = theList;
props?.onChange?.(theList); //兼容antd的校验机制;
} catch (error) {
console.log(`error`, error);
theFileList =
theFileList?.filter((item) => item.uid !== theOptions.file.uid) || [];
props?.onChange?.(theFileList); //兼容antd的校验机制;
} finally {
}; // console.log(`上传组件: props-->`, props);
// console.log(`上传组件: theFileList-->`, theFileList); return (
<GlobalStyles />
rootClassName={`CustomDraggerUploadContainer ${
theDisabled ? `is-the-check` : ``
{!props?.noUpload && (
<InboxOutlined />
}; export default CustomDraggerUpload;


  1. antd-Upload.Dragger拖拽上传组件;


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