.net C# System.Text.Json 如何将 string类型的“true”转换为布尔值 解决方案
public sealed class AnhBoolConverter : JsonConverter<bool?>
public override bool? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
var val = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<string?>(ref reader, options);
bool? boolVal = Convert.ToBoolean(val);
return boolVal;
} public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, bool? val, JsonSerializerOptions options)
=> // What do I do here? I want to preserve other options such as options.PropertyNamingPolicy, which are lost by the following call
JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, val);
public class ResponseBase
/// <summary>
/// 接口请求结果 true or false
/// 示例值:"result": "true" 或 true
/// </summary>
public bool? result { set; get; } /// <summary>
/// 系统返回结果描述
/// 示例值:接口调用成功
/// </summary>
public string? msg { set; get; } /// <summary>
/// 错误码
/// </summary>
public string? errCode { get; set; }
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